2(Field Trip)

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Peter woke up as usual to the Irish brogue of F.R.I.D.A.Y. "Good morning Mini Boss, it is seven am and time to get up for school". He rolled over and groaned into his pillow. He knew staying in the lab until two in the morning would come back to bite him in the ass. Of all nights to do that, it just had to be the night before the field trip. As if school wasn't bad enough when he was this tired, he had to go on a guided tour of his own home. Well home was a stretch, the tour wouldn't actually be going through the residential areas, still he was the heir to Stark Industries, so in a way the whole building was his home. He once again reminded himself that at least this morning Flash would no longer be able to accuse him of lying about the internship.

He rolled out of bed and made his way to the shower to freshen up. Relishing in the feel of the hot water flowing over him, he spent a bit longer in there than he normally would and was running late. He rushed to get his suit on, once again relieved his mother had the foresight to make it a stipulation of the tour that everyone be dressed in business attire. Making sure he had his notes in his breast pocket and that his tie was straight, Peter went to the kitchen to grab a bagel. He wasn't the only one up early though, his sister was sat in her usual chair eating a bowl of cereal. His mother put a plate with his bagel on the counter for him as well as cup of coffee. "Morning sweetheart". He smiled at his mother before bending down to kiss the top of his sister's head. "Morning Mom, and good morning to you too Morgana". His sister ignored him which was very unusual for her.
"Morgan, I know you're tired, but that doesn't mean you can ignore your brother. You wouldn't like it if he ignored you, would you?". Morgan shook her head and faced her brother. "Sorry Petey". He ruffled her hair and gave her his patented "I can't believe I have a sister as adorable as you are" smile. "It's okay Morgan, did you not sleep well last night?". Once again Morgan shook her head. "I had a scary dream and couldn't go back to sleep" Peter gave her a one-armed sympathetic hug before whispering in her ear. "I've got a secret that will make you feel better". At this the four-year-old instantly perked up. Peter was going to have it be a surprise given just how much his sister loved his girlfriend, but, he decided to tell her in order to cheer her up. "MJ is going to be coming over after school later and she told me that she was looking forward to spending time with you more than me". Pepper watched as the smile on her daughter face grew tenfold and marveled at the fact that no matter what was wrong with her daughter Peter always somehow made things better.


Thank you for reading. Fyi I prewrite these so they will be out pretty fast. I will not post on weekends. I hope you guys enjoyed i will post pt. 2 tomorrow. JK!! posting all of them today already have them wrote lol.

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