Part 11

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Allaniis pov  harlem ny📍
It's 12:00 and I'm the only one woke so I decided eat some of ddot chips but also wake them up in a very annoying way,so I got a pot filled it with water and put some pans on the counter to bang together I ran over to where they all was and threw the water on them then ran to grab the pans banging them together "I don't get no sleep because of y'all y'all don't get no sleep because of me" (I love me son bgc) "BRO ALLANIIS WHY TF WOULD YOU DO THAT DICK WRD2 imma beat ya ass" ddot yelled meanwhile dd and notti just looking lost and I wasn't even thinking because I forgot I had a pool in my backyard all three of them ran up to me holding me down while London and justice poured water on me then they threw me in the pool "no no no I'm sorrry I'm so sorry y'all I just got my hair done" I yelled then this nigga dd tripping tryna kiss me "gimme kiss" no fuck off dickhead "bro Allaniis give me a kiss" he said mugging me so y'all know what I did "ok close you eyes" as soon as he closed his eyes I slapped him and ran and while I'm tryna run from dd ddot gone grab me and hole me and these fatasses jumped me "BRO WHY TF WOULD YOU EAT MY CHIPS" nigga shut up I bought em I laughed mugging him "alright now y'all can let ma sister go" justice said laughing and pulling away ddot arms, naw bitch move y'all is mad fucking dayroom for helping these niggas, well bitch you threw water on us too "ok so that mean let me get jumped" I mugged them hell yeah they all laughed "that's why not  to my favorite" I said as i took ddot bag of chips and ran locking my room door (time skip)

"Allaniis why don't y'all come stay at our house" dd and notti said to us, we can but lemme go get some clothes from ma house i said as we payed for everything walking out so we get to ma house they all waiting outside in the car and I unlock the door and walk to my room getting my makeup stuff skincare clothes etc and as I'm walking down the stairs call me crazy weird or whatever but I swear I see my mom and she turns quickly then I rub my eyes and when I open them she not even there so I just hold my head breathing and walks outside to the car, "Allaniis what's wrong mh why you look like you seen a ghost" notti asks idk but I swear I just seen my mom in there I say looking confused and they all give me this look and dd starts driving

Sorry for this short chapter and all this but I'm overly busy😂

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