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Chapter 1: The Discovery

Allaniis had been feeling nauseous and having mood swings for a while. She got scared and decided to go get a pregnancy test. When she took the test, she found out that she was pregnant. She didn't know how to tell DD or the family, so she kept it to herself for a while.

Chapter 2: The Party

Allaniis decided to have a party at her house and invite everyone, including DD, his sister Melzz, his brother Jayklickin, DDot, and more. As they were all at the party, Allaniis made an announcement and announced that she was pregnant. At first, she was scared, but it turned out that everyone was happy.

Chapter 3: The Excitement

DD's mom and sister grabbed Allaniis and sat her down. They got super excited and started talking about baby showers, gender reveals, the baby's name, clothes, and all that good stuff. Allaniis felt overwhelmed but grateful for their support.

Chapter 4: DD's POV - The Shock

DD was shocked when Allaniis told him that she was pregnant. He didn't know what to say, but he knew that he loved her and was willing to support her through it all.

Chapter 5: DD's POV - The Responsibility

DD felt a sense of responsibility as he realized that he was going to be a father. He knew that he had to step up and take care of Allaniis and the baby.

Chapter 6: DD's POV - The Planning

DD started planning for the future. He thought about how he was going to provide for his family and how he was going to be the best father he could be.

Chapter 7: DD's POV - The Support

DD supported Allaniis through her pregnancy. He went to all her doctor's appointments, helped her with her cravings, and was always there to listen when she needed to talk.

Chapter 8: DD's POV - The Birth

When Allaniis went into labor, DD was by her side the entire time. He held her hand and coached her through every contraction. When their baby was finally born, DD felt a sense of pride and love that he had never felt before.

Chapter 9: DD's POV - The New Chapter

DD and Allaniis started a new chapter in their lives as parents. They learned how to take care of their baby and how to balance their new roles as parents and partners.

Chapter 10: DD's POV - The Love

As DD watched his baby grow up, he realized that he had never felt a love like this before. He loved his family more than anything in the world and was grateful for every moment he had with them.

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