Girl boo

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Chapter 1: Visiting Notti's Grave

Allaniis, DD, and DDot decided to visit Notti's grave one month after his funeral. They brought flowers with them as they made their way to the cemetery. When they arrived, they were overcome with emotion as they let out their cries and tears.

Allaniis talked about how much she missed Notti and how much she wished he was still here. DD told stories about the pranks he used to play on Notti and how much he loved his brother. DDot reminded them of all the good times they had together and how Notti would want them to keep living life to the fullest.

As they left the cemetery, they felt a sense of closure and peace. They knew that Notti would always be with them and that his memory would never fade.

Chapter 2: Dealing with School and Conflict

The next day, school started, and Allaniis, DD, and DDot were trying to get through the day in peace. However, things quickly took a turn for the worse when the girl that DD cheated on Allaniis with started picking on her.

Allaniis tried to ignore the girl, but she wouldn't stop. The tension between them grew until Allaniis finally snapped and beat the girl up. She was sent to the principal's office, where she was suspended for three days.

After school, DD decided to stay at Allaniis' house. They cuddled on the couch and talked about everything that had been going on in their lives. Allaniis apologized for losing her temper, but DD told her that he was proud of her for standing up for herself.

They talked about how much they missed Notti and how much they wished he was still here. They cried and held each other, knowing that they had each other to lean on through the tough times.

As the night progressed, they fell asleep in each other's arms, feeling grateful for the love and support they had for one another. They knew that no matter what challenges they faced, they would always have each other to rely on.

Is she pregnant lmk what y'all think ? Losing mood swings? And they been doing more then cuddling hunny 😭💕

A Thin line between Death and Prosperity 🕊️🌍🤍Where stories live. Discover now