Dead today🫦

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Dead today🫦

Allaniis had been feeling low for days now. Her relationship with her boyfriend DD was going as usual until she found out that he was cheating on her with her best friend, Crystal. Allaniis felt utterly betrayed and lost. She didn't know what to do, so she retreated to her home.

It had been two days since she had left her bed. She had no appetite, didn't answer any calls or texts, and spent all day in silence, battling her turbulent thoughts. Her room had become her sanctuary from the outside world. Nothing seemed to matter more than self-pity and tears that wouldn't stop falling.

That night, just as she was sinking deeper into the abyss of sadness, she heard a knock on her door. It was her two best friends, DDot and Notti, who had come to check up on her. Seeing them together and energized initially made her more upset, and she couldn't keep from crying.

They hugged her tightly, and Notti stayed with Allaniis while DDot went to the kitchen to fix them some drinks. Notti listened as Allaniis sobbed and poured out her heart to him.

Later, when DDot came back with drinks and some snacks, they began to play games, and he forced Allaniis to participate. It was the first time she had really laughed in days.

DDot and Notti reminisced about some of their funniest and most embarrassing moments since they had all met years before. They told inside jokes that went so far back; they couldn't help but laugh at themselves.

It was then that Allaniis realized how much she had missed her friends' company. She had shut them out of her life in her depression, but now, she couldn't be happier that they were there with her.

DDot and Notti could tell that their presence had helped her, and they decided to stay the night with her. The three of them sat together, chatted, and just kept each other company until dawn.

When morning came, Allaniis felt renewed. She had slept peacefully for the first time in days and woke up feeling ready to tackle whatever challenges she may face ahead. Her friends ensured that she had gone through the worst, that they had not abandoned her, and that they would always be there as a support system.

Allaniis realized that her friends were the ones who truly cared about her best interests. She promised herself to cherish them because, in the end, they were all that she needed to find joy and find the needed support.

Another ai written part😝

A Thin line between Death and Prosperity 🕊️🌍🤍حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن