A nightmare to remember

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Chapter 1: A Night in New York

Allaniis, her boyfriend DD, her boy best friend DDot, and DD's brother Notti were all hanging out in New York City for the night. They decided to stay at Allaniis' house, where they played games, watched movies, and talked about life.

As the night progressed, they decided to play a game of truth or dare. DD dared Allaniis to kiss him in front of everyone, which she did. DDot was dared to do a backflip off the couch, which he successfully completed. Notti was dared to tell a deep secret, but he declined and chose to take a shot instead.

They continued to play the game until they were all exhausted and decided to call it a night. DD and DDot left together, while Notti left on his own. They all said their goodbyes and hugged each other, not realizing that it would be the last time they saw Notti alive.

Chapter 2: Tragedy Strikes

The next day, DDot called Allaniis in a state of panic. He told her that he and DD had just left the train station and saw Notti being dragged out on a stretcher after being stabbed. Allaniis rushed to the train station to see what had happened.

When she arrived, she saw Notti's lifeless body being loaded into an ambulance. She and DDot followed the ambulance to the hospital, where they waited anxiously for the doctor to come and tell them Notti's condition.

After what seemed like an eternity, the doctor finally came out and told them that Notti had died from his injuries. Allaniis was devastated, and she couldn't believe that her friend was gone. DD was also heartbroken, as he had lost his brother.

One week later, they attended Notti's funeral. Allaniis wrote a heartfelt message to Notti that she read out to everyone. She talked about how much he meant to her and how she would always cherish the memories they shared together. She promised to keep his memory alive and to always remember the good times they had.

As they said their final goodbyes to Notti, Allaniis, DD, and DDot realized how precious life was and how important it was to cherish the people they loved. They knew that Notti would never be forgotten and that his memory would live on forever.

A Thin line between Death and Prosperity 🕊️🌍🤍Where stories live. Discover now