Part 25

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Chapter 1: Life as New Parents

DD and Allaniis were adjusting to life as new parents. They had their hands full taking care of their new baby while also trying to balance their careers.

Chapter 2: DD's POV - The Concerts

DD was busy with his concerts and touring schedule. He made sure to spend as much time as possible with his family when he wasn't working.

Chapter 3: Allaniis' POV - The Sleepless Nights

Allaniis was exhausted from the sleepless nights and constant care of their new baby. She loved being a mother, but it was harder than she ever imagined.

Chapter 4: DD's POV - The Support

DD supported Allaniis through everything. He helped with the baby and made sure she got enough rest. He knew that being a new parent was challenging, and he wanted to do everything he could to make it easier for her.

Chapter 5: Allaniis' POV - The Kidnapping

One day, Allaniis came home to find DD knocked out and their baby gone. She was frantic and called the police right away. They worked tirelessly to find their baby and bring them home.

Chapter 6: DD's POV - The Search

DD helped with the search for their baby. He was determined to find them and bring them home safely.

Chapter 7: Allaniis' POV - The Suspect

When they found out who kidnapped their baby, Allaniis was furious. She couldn't believe someone would do something so cruel.

Chapter 8: DD's POV - The Rescue

DD and Allaniis did everything they could to get their baby back. They worked with the police to rescue their baby from the kidnapper.

Chapter 9: Allaniis' POV - The Escape

After they got their baby back, they tried to leave. However, they were being chased and shot at. Allaniis had to defend herself and their family, and she ended up killing someone in the process.

Chapter 10: DD's POV - The Arrest

The next day, the police showed up at their house to arrest Allaniis. DD was holding their baby when it happened, and he was in shock.

Chapter 11: Allaniis' POV - The Courtroom

Allaniis was sentenced to five months in prison. She was devastated and didn't know how she was going to survive being away from her family.

Chapter 12: DD's POV - The Visits

DD visited Allaniis in prison as often as he could. He brought their baby with him and tried to make the visits as comfortable as possible.

Chapter 13: Allaniis' POV - The Beatings

Allaniis only made it two months in prison before she was beaten severely by other inmates. She crawled out of her cell, bleeding and asking for help.

Chapter 14: DD's POV - The Hospital

DD was there for Allaniis when she was rushed to the hospital. He was in shock and couldn't believe what had happened.

Chapter 15: Allaniis' POV - The Coma

Allaniis was in a coma, and DD was terrified. He didn't know what was going to happen to her or their family.

Chapter 16: DD's POV - The Support System

DD leaned on DDot and Jayklickin for support while Allaniis was in a coma. They helped him take care of their baby and made sure he was okay.

Chapter 17: Allaniis' POV - The Dreams

Allaniis had vivid dreams while she was in a coma. She dreamed about her family and the life they had together.

Chapter 18: DD's POV - The Recovery

Allaniis woke up from her coma, but her recovery was long and difficult. DD was there for her every step of the way.

Chapter 19: Allaniis' POV - The Second Chance

Allaniis was grateful for a second chance at life. She was determined to make the most of it and be the best mother and partner she could be.

Chapter 20: DD's POV - The Love

DD realized how much he loved Allaniis and their family. He knew that they had been through so much, but they had come out stronger because of it. Dd was dreaming of this though Allaniis never woke up from her coma.

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