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Allaniis, Ddot and Notti were having the time of their lives in New York. They were working on a music video for Allaniis's latest single "Rise Up". The trio was running around the city, capturing different scenes and showcasing the beauty of New York through their lens. The day had been perfect, and they now had everything they needed to make a great music video.

The friends decided to celebrate and have some fun before calling it a day. They went to an arcade where they played games, laughed and enjoyed each other's company. The excitement and adrenaline of working on the video had all of them feeling alive, and they were happy to be together.

As the day wound down, Allaniis checked her phone for messages and emails. She noticed that she had a missed call from her sister Monse. Without wasting any time, she dialed her sister's number back, but it was not connecting. After several tries, Allaniis became nervous.

"I can't seem to get hold of Monse," Allaniis said, sounding jittery.

"What's the matter?" Notti asked, noticing the worry in his friend's voice.

"I don't know, but I feel like something's wrong," Allaniis said, tears threatening to roll down her cheeks.

Suddenly the phone rang, and they all jumped up with excitement. Allaniis frantically answered the call, and her worst fears were confirmed. Monse had been kidnapped, and she was terrified. At once, Allaniis, Ddot and Notti rallied together to figure out how they could rescue her.

"We are going to get Monse back, Allaniis," Notti said feistily.

Together, they started planning and brainstorming how they could get Monse back from whoever had taken her. They worked tirelessly, as one, to come up with a plan.

It wasn't going to be easy, but they knew that they had the strength, the will and the love for their sister to pull off a rescue operation. With tears streaming down their faces, they held hands and vowed never to give up, no matter what. The day that had started off as one of the best, had taken a sudden turn for the worst.

But Allaniis, Ddot and Notti were determined and ready to take on whoever had abducted Monse, and with each other by their side, they knew they could do anything.

A Thin line between Death and Prosperity 🕊️🌍🤍Where stories live. Discover now