Amoraa pov now

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Chapter 1: Amora's Troubles

Amora had been getting into fights non-stop at school. She was always in drama and was even shot at once. DD and Allaniis were worried about her and decided to sit her down and talk to her.

They lectured her about the dangers of getting into fights and how it could harm her in the long run. Allaniis even told her about how dangerous Freeridge used to be when she was there with Amora's aunt Monse.

Amora listened to them, but she was still struggling with her anger and frustration. She didn't want to be seen as weak, but she knew that she needed to find a better way to deal with her emotions.

Chapter 2: Finding a Solution

DD and Allaniis knew that they needed to find a solution to help Amora. They decided to enroll her in a self-defense class to help her channel her anger in a positive way.

Amora was hesitant at first, but she quickly realized that the class was helping her. She learned how to defend herself and how to control her emotions.

DD and Allaniis were proud of Amora's progress. They knew that being a teenager was hard, but they were happy that Amora was finding a way to cope with her struggles.

They continued to support her and encourage her to be the best version of herself. They knew that life wasn't easy, but they were grateful to have each other and to have a family that supported them no matter what.

A Thin line between Death and Prosperity 🕊️🌍🤍Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant