Part 2

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Hyunjin's POV

I stood in front of a small, cozy looking house, on that one bleak midwinter's day.
Chilling yet tender wind, caressing my face as my body gently shivered.

Yet, no matter how cold it was or how frozen and out of feel the tips of my fingers have become, I felt nothing but a warm bliss deep in my belly, a feeling filled with liveliness and excitement full of anticipation that was in all odds, unknown to me.

Why am I so fascinated by this guy? Who I never even saw once in my life....but I couldn't help then to overthink things lately after Changbin barked out that nonsense the other day. Was it really just mere curiosity?

"Of course it was, what else could it be?"

There was simply no other explanation for those paper thin emotions that seemed to glass over

Rather than being just a mere curiosity, it felt more like restlessness and slight frustration that you wound up feeling when looking for that one missing item that coincidentally hid itself somewhere in the corners of a family sized living room.
I wouldn't say I particularly cared about that item, but the longer it took to find it the more eager I was.

In my defense it was also fairly should I put it, the whole situation was just plain weird.
At first I didn't pay much attention to the lack of presence of a certain someone, but things were a tad bit strange.

Stacy and her mother both avoided talking about Felix or bringing him up in conversations if it was unnecessary or avoidable.

There was this one time when Stacy took two days off after catching a fever and I was tasked to hand her papers on the previous lessons she missed out on, but when I called to tell her I'll be coming over she panicked and said that she will come over to my place to pick them up after she feels a bit better.
I still went there myself, I'm not that heartless as to make a sick girl pick them up herself , yet I got greeted by a door slammed in my face and a shallow excuse of

" Thanks Hyunjin-ah but I can't let you in, don't want you to catch a cold or anything... ha ha ... plus the house is really really messy right now as we are still renovating it, leave the papers at the porch I'll pick them up later, and don't get mad okay? I'll make it up to you with yummy food"

And that was just the first incident of those abnormal situations that made me unbearably curious.


I hope with that, this squeezing anticipation will finally come to an end.
Will I get the answers of his absurd yet intriguing absence?
I don't know what exactly it was that I wanted answers on, what it was that I was expecting, or imagining this mystery guy to look like,

but that pipe dream that was deluded by my own expectations.
Sure left me breathless....choking on shallow, thoracic breaths that were escaping pits of my throat.


Miss Lee warmly greeted us after my  mother excitedly knocked on the thick wooden doors, emitting a Tapping 'Rat-tat-tat' sound.
Her hair up in a messy bun with freshly baked trays of cookies carried by her pale hands.

" Oh my! How lovely your house is, is it not Hyunjin dear?"

Before I could answer, Stacy came towards me running, giggling happily and embracing me in a friendly-like hug that did not stop her from bombarding me with hundred and one of her silly questions

" Hyunjin-ah do you like kimchi fried rice and Sundubu jjigae? We made a lot"
( spicy soft tofu stew)

" How about having some refreshments? Do you want soft drinks or perhaps something warm would suit you better? Hyunjin-ah, Hyunjinnnn come with me let me be your tour guide this time, we can-"

"Stacy stop bothering Hyunjin already and come with me, I need you to help me set up the table"

"Ugh fine mom...."

Stacy frowned annoyingly,her left foot tapping and fidgeting in impatience,
She looked at me and smirked, her lips that were until seconds ago pressing into a white slash let out a loud "HEY FELIX!! COME HERE BRO! Mom said you need to help her set up the table"

A soothing, deep and husky "Coming, just wait a sec", with a hint of softness and loveliness echoed from a room upstairs.
It was truly a one of a kind voice, but the person that it belonged to, lookwise, did not suit it at all.

There he was, Stacy's stay at home brother, tiptoeing from a straight flight of stairs that had a tight turn at the bottom.
In the house filled with coziness and gentle chatter by people occupying it, I was not sure if the tapping sounds were from him tiptoeing down the stairs or pounding motions coming from the left side of my chest.

And that is how I first met Felix


Dinner at Stacy's wrapped up quite nicely, though I'm grateful for no further inconveniences or uncomfortable situation, I didn't get to talk with Felix as much as I would have liked to.

Mostly, it was the fact that I was so take aback by the guy's appearance it left me flat out speechless, and secondly that he himself couldn't communicate well enough for us to actually have a decent conversation.


If Stacy was considered to be beautiful, then she has nothing on that guy.
Felix looked to be a tad smaller then me, a slender young man,pale skin, and extremely beautiful appearance wise, so much so that I had my doubts if what I was seeing was even real or just a deluded image created by my unwavering anticipation.

Now I'm here, laying on my bed, still in my coat that I was unbothered to take off, just trying to rearrange and process today's event that without me knowing might have planted a seed that was to be a primary root of my life.

And so that night I had a dream, that was my first taste of pleasure....sweet enough to paralyze....

HOLY SH!t that last sentence 😩 I left myself SCREAMING !!! 🛐🛐🛐

Quick note:

as it might be confusing to some , but what Hyunjin was feeling up until now was not love, emotions come in numerous ways , some that don't even have labels on themselves

Even if it's just mere curiosity that's strong enough to last months, the feelings that entangle within the mind don't necessarily need to be put and labeled

I think that itself is enough to give someone a head start in starting something, growing as a person and deepening the understandings of one's emotions

We as humans make everything so complicated, when it's in reality just a matter of being able to accept the present as it is without questioning, wavering or ignoring the fact that it's there

And that is what I was trying to portray

Stacy's brother / HyunLix Where stories live. Discover now