Part 14

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The following two chapters will include 18+ content

if you are uncomfortable with that feel free to exit the story or pass ch 14 and 15


Felix's POV


"You- are you??? No way ??!"

My skin burned red and I felt the embarrassment heating up every part of my body making me want to cry

"I'm sorry,...." I mumbled remorsefully and Hyunjin was taken aback at how deep the regret was shown running through me

"Hey hey no need to be embarrassed I was in the same shoes as you literally like few hours ago"

"I guess that's true ha ha...."


Trying to laugh it off awkwardly didn't help as the silence swallowed the room filling it up with undeniable tension so thick it made my body tingle with thrill.

He looked at me with those soft brown eyes, and I felt my resolve start to shake.
My demeanor switches from self-confidence to self-consciousness quickly whenever I'm near him, and just being next to him, in the same room made it harder for me to breathe properly.

The silence and his unwavering eyes made me so nervous that all I wanted to do was run away as sudden acceleration of adrenaline's response made my body crave for affection and the need of contact.

"Umm......I'll just use the r-restroom for a sec-"

Trying to forbear from this awkward situation I blurted something random out.
Not helping the situation much, he leaned in closer, just so slightly before I was even able to set out and leave.
Close enough to make it too close, but still keeping a formidable distance that made him seem too far away.

"Can I...touch you?"

He said sweetly, his voice wrapped up in flickering doubtfulness, yet pleasant and seductive enough to make me nod in agreement without hesitation.
I bit on my lower lip as I tried to quell the confusing emotions while the anticipation of his next move made my body fidget and burn in exhilaration and intensity.

His shaky hands made ways towards my cheeks, his touch calming the burning heat just like aloe vera soothes a burning wound.
Hands holding me gently, contact of skin soft and barely noticeable as if they were scared to taint me.
Looking at him as he gulped his jitteriness away made me feel relieved that I wasn't the only one going through the loom


Sturdy fabric of my clothes, preventing the direct contact between us seemed to have bothered him quite a bit as he impatiently undid my belt one-handedly, while his other hand slipped under my sweater making its way up through the pathways of my spine.

My brain shutting down even though millions of thoughts passed me by in milliseconds.
Blood pounded in my veins nearly as hard as the downpour's rain would on a gloomy day.

Unwrapped in pleasure as his big hand slipped into my underpants touching the places of my body I never imagined would be seen or touched by someone other than me,
The touch of his hands so warm on bare skin sent another burst of heat straight to my core and made it ache as small sounds escaped the tips of my tongue

Feeling embarrassed by both the pleasure I was feeling and sounds that I was unconsciously making, I tried to stop him

"Ah...H-Hyunjin w-wait"

But rather then slowing down or stopping, his other hand climbed up all the way up from my spine to my neck and exited the blank spaces of fabric through the sweater's collar.
His hands drove into my hair, grabbing a handfuls of it and crushing my mouth to his as the movements below fastened.

My body seemed to melt against his.

I felt him, the fullness of him, the supple length of him against me.

Needing to feel more he hovered over me making me instinctively lean in backwards until I was laying down with him on top of me.
The need to touch, be touched, to take and give, nearly overwhelmed me.


His kisses distracted the repetitive movements of his hand on my member, making my head spin in dizziness.
After long, his lips left mine, moving from my chin towards my ears and down my neck as he kissed and sucked the sides of my neck.
I turned my head sideways allowing him more access, my face now fully buried under the softness of the pillows that surrounded us comfortably.

I could feel him groan as my skin heated at his touch.

It was a delicious torment.....


I reached out to touch him too, my left hand stroked his shoulder, feeling the blunt muscles underneath his skin as the touch traveled across the muscles of his chest.

Trying to unbutton his shirt was quite challenging as my body lost strength and felt heavy from the glee
Only one button remained in the way before Hyunjin forcefully pulled the ends of his shirt, making the small translucent oyster-like button slip gracefully from the threads that held it together.


His chest and abdomen now fully exposed as I felt the muscles solid beneath my palm.

I squeezed his upper arm and clenched closer towards him as I felt a sudden gushing of immense pleasure rush throughout my insides, making me whimper with lust as I reached my climax

"Ah..s-something's weird..I'm about t-to"

I screamed in confusion as electricity sparked something deep inside of my body,
Tingles of pleasure making my back arch and toes curl.
Like a thunderstorm building up aggressively before it came to its peak and struck dangerously with a final blow of one strong lightning bolt.

Only heavy panting could be heard from us both all while his hands still on me with all movements paused permanently,.

"Felix...." He started

"if....if you want me to stop, tell me now, because I don't think ...I'll be able to control myself anymore moving forward"

Watching him fidget in anxiousness as I took time to recollect myself not answering immediately even tho I already decided long before he even asked the question.

I took in a long deep breath, before reaching out towards him.

"I don't think I care anymore about what's ahead of me, I'll give myself to you, me right"

And with that, I could swear on my whole being that I saw the strings of reason snap above his head.


Damn 🧍‍♀️

Mkay slayy 💀? I somehow managed to write that and piece it together 👀

This was definitely an experience, it was real awkward writing this 😭

Tbh actually I had a better idea for this part but I didn't write it down and fell asleep so I completely FORGOT WHAT IT WAS ABOUT 💀

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