🍦Birthday special🎂🍰🎁

729 21 13

Somewhere in the near future

Hyunjin's POV

I woke up to the sweet smell of homemade cookies.
Still a bit drowsy, I slipped out of bed and started making my way towards the kitchen.
The smell of chocolate chip cookies baking, so pleasant and welcoming, making me want to pull up a chair, grab a glass of milk and savor the sweet taste of chocolate.

Entering the kitchen that was in quite a mess, empty trays and wrappers everywhere as the white fluffy flour covered the kitchen counters and flooring as if a snow fairy casted her winter curse, covering everything in white.
And I thought...."Just who was the clutter that turned my home into a battleground?"



"Hm? Oh! Ah Hyunjin hi- *ack!!* ouch.."

Surprised boy rose up after I called out to him, clumsily hitting his head on the corners of the countertop that he was, until minutes ago, squatting under, rummaging and looking for something in the counter's cabinets.

"Gasp! Are you okay ???"

I ran towards him, grabbing the smaller boy's head, frantically checking for any injuries or bruises.

"H-Hyunjin I'm okay, don't worry"

He took my hands in his, removing it from the tangled locks of his hair where my fingers laid upon, as he reassured me, smiling slyly.

"But what are you doing up so early?" He started

"I was sure you would sleep in since we stayed up late yesterday, celebrating with others"

"Hm? Oh! That's right-"

*I can't believe that I almost forgotten about that...*

Yesterday, everyone came over as we stayed up late celebrating my birthday.
It was neither too late nor too early when everyone else packed up and headed home, yet I was exhausted and collapsed right after

"Well....Would a starved lion be able to sleep if you dangle a piece of meat up it's face ? "

"Pfff that was so fucking lame"

"So what are you doing? Playing in a sandpit made out of flour? A flour-pit?"

"Ha ha hilarious! did you wake up and decided to change careers? With all the jokes that you've been cracking *ding* Oh!-"

Stopping midways, he faced me backwards as he bent down towards the oven, putting a thick oven gloves over his hands.
Opening the oven increased the sweet smell of homemade cookies making my stomach roar in hunger.
Freshly baked batch of cookies warmed up the air as he grabbed the hot metal plates, while the clicking sounds from earlier that indicated the timer on the oven running out, kept going off in the backgrounds.


Seduced by the sweet smell, I reached out towards the trays of cookies just to find myself getting slapped on the hand

"Hey!! It's hot!! And they are not done yet!! You already ruined what I was preparing for you, at least wait a bit..."

"This is...all for me?"

Eyes widened as my lips curved up into an obnoxious smile from the mention of his words

He shyly looked away and handed me a small paper bag who I gladly accepted with not much thought even if it was, by no odds also covered with small white flakes of flour that seemed to have conquered my whole house by now.

"Here this is for you..."

I opened up the bag, inside finding a small box that contained a costumed made necklace, a bouquet of Tulips and a handwritten card that seemed to have more resembled an essay with how long it was.

"I know you said not to get you anything, but it's nothing expensive and I just wanted to-"

I kissed him lovingly, my heart full of joy and happiness that I wasn't able to express with words, his happiness whom I wanted to return


Is it that he tasted so sweet because of the love and warmth he was giving? Or was it the chocolate and cookie dough which he must have test-tasted while making this for me.

"Happy Birthday Hyunjin, I love you...."

"Thank you and I love you too"

I pulled him in closer to me, my love for him overwhelming to the point where I wanted to squish him into me.
Though, instead, I just hugged him gently as I looked around us, and the mess that our house was.
Yet it felt refreshing, messy kitchen indicates more then one thing, it can reflect a happy family, too busy to be tidy, and he was and is, my happy family.


"What is it?"

"Oh I just remembered a dream that I was having before your cookies woke me up"

"Really!? What was it about??"

"Hmmm I'm not that sure, but it definitely involved night sky"

"Night sky??"

"Yeah, Night sky"

I didn't care if it was really the sky that I was dreaming of, or the close up of Felix's eyes who I was a tad bit too aware of,
But I did know that it was a pleasant dream, and the sweet happiness of that dream continued into an even sweeter reality.

Realizing that having someone care for you, remember you, cherish you and this day that isn't that special or any different then the others, is what truly makes it special.



Tulips = deep love in flower language

Happy 20th of Match (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ♡🥟

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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