Part 12

617 39 70

Hyunjin's POV


"...Well Fuck...."

Cursing under my breath didn't help much as the problem was still 'clearly' and 'painfully' there

" I- I'm hard?????*

*WHAT the FUCK???!!?? No way that this is happening?!! What the hell is wrong with me??*

My throat tightened as cold sweat ran down from the back of my palms. Shortness of breath and rapid pounding of the heart indicating the panic that was taking over

*He will be here in a bit, what do I do???? WHAT DO I DO???*

I'm not really a big fan of horror movies but high-pitched sounds, such as ruling out "clicks" and "clomps" that you would anticipated in the most cliche parts of the movie could be vaguely heard coming from downstairs, implying that Felix was walking back towards the said room I was in

In the movies it's usually the characters themselves that walk face right into the potential danger and afterlife experiences, as for me, who was now fully panicked, I looked all over the room in hopes of finding something I could cover my 'problem' with, since it was way too early for me to have one of those 'afterlife experiences'

With each pit-a-pat that was repeated tapping of his footsteps, overwhelming feelings of anxiety hit the backbones of my spine wrapping up my whole body in cold sweat

I could both hear and feel him getting closer and closer as I was now, practically throwing myself from one side of the room to another, my brain going 763.035 miles per hour and my eyes glancing from one side of the room to another


" Hey sorry I couldn't find clean plates, have you been waiting long- Hyunjin???"

"F-Felix, no worries, it hasn't been long at all... not long at all..."

"Pfff what are you doing?? Are you cold? Why are you all wrapped up like that?"

"Ahahah yeah I guess you could say I got cold feet..."

" Want me to bring you something warm to drink? Or maybe another blanket? This one is pretty light"

Trays with snacks that he was holding until minutes ago were now placed on the small wooden table below before he walked over closer to me,
His hands reached out towards me as he put another, thicker blanket over my shoulders

"Here, this one is warmer"

"....yeah...thanks a bunch..."

" Wait a bit I'll bring you some tea"

And with that he turned around and once again walked out of the room.
As relieved as I was that he didn't notice anything, I plopping down on the floor, grabbed the ends of the blanket, feeling the fluffy material under my fingertips.
Overwhelmed and guilty as I knew he only wanted to assist me and help out, but being wrapped up in thick blankets that smelled like him didn't help much, not even one bit , actually all in all it made it worse

" What the hell....I must be a fucking pervert or something cause there's no way this is normal "

"What is not normal?"

" You- You're back !??"

Hearing his voice made me flinch and I almost rolled over from how sudden his appearance was

*How much of that did he heard?*

" he he yeah I brought you some tea"

"Oh- Thanks- you didn't have to"

" It's no problem at all, wanna drink it now?"

" Nahh put it on the table I'll have it in a bit"

" I think you should drink it now when it's still warm"

He sat down next to me , gently blowing on the warm cup of tea in his hands as the steam slowly condensed and disappeared into the thin air


He handed me the warm cup of tea and I reached out to grab it
As I did so, our hands touched and startled, I quickly let go,
the cup too small for both of us to hold onto it together, causing the hot tea to spill all over me

"Hyunjin!?? Oh my god ???? Are you okay ??"

Panicked, Felix quickly stood up and ran out somewhere, just to come back with piles of tissues and towels carried by his hands

" Oh no...Oh no, what do we do ?!! The tea was boiling hot-"

He yelled out and started wiping down the spilled tea
The tea was hot and it burned my skin through my clothes, but his hands, that were now on my thighs as he wiped down, were even hotter

"Oh god, Hyunjin I'm so sorry-"

" Felix stop I'm fine"

I tried pushing him away gently, all in vain as it didn't work
The whole situation was quite a show, him being persistent in helping me out and me being embarrassed and unable to look him in the eyes as he continued wiping me down

" Quickly take off your clothes"


I yelled out as he grabbed the blanket and started pulling it off of me

" Oh come on don't be like that, this is serious- "

" And I SeRiOUsly can't take my clothes off"

" Are you for real ?? Why the fuck not ? Ugh let go already-"

" Hey stop pulling-"

We pulled and pushed each other back and forth which ended up in him wining as he managed to pull out the blanket out of my hands.
Felix may be smaller then me but he wasn't weak, though I still blame it on me being the victim of more then one inconveniences at the time

" Ha! Serves you right, why were you being so stubborn in the first place-"

His sentence cut short as he looked at me, awkward silence filling up the room.
his eyes gazing at the place the tea was spilled which unluckily enough and not in my favor just so happens to be close to another problem occurring


"Ah fuck-" mentally slapping myself I cursed out

" That's why I told you I'll take care of it"

I muttered, and we both just stood there...well, sat there, looking at each other...well...he looking at me as I was still unable to look him in the eyes..

Feeling my face burning from embarrassment, I wanted to dig myself a hole in where I would crawl into and never came back out

But that plan too got thrown out of the window as his fallowing sentence dumbfounded me out of my ever loving mind

" Hey..... w- want me to h- help you with that....?"

"......... ha?.........HA?????"


Idk I have no idea ¯\_😭_/¯
lowkey wrote that at 4 am don't ask me the color of anything

Stacy's brother / HyunLix जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें