Part 13

738 36 61

Hyunjin's POV


"Hey..... w- want me to h- help you with that....?"

"Felix.... Do you even know what you are saying?"

" y- yeah....obviously...."

" No like do you UNDERSTAND what you are saying? This isn't some kinda quiz you can help me solve"

" Oh come on!! I'm not a little kid, I'm aware....a-and I'm also a g-guy you know...."

His gaze dropped down and he lowered his head, I could tell he was feeling dejected so I grabbed his wrist and pulled him in closer to me.
Eyes wide open, he finally shifted his gaze back towards me, my heart was just about to beat out of my chest as my body temperature heated up by a mere touch from his wrist.

"No that's not it, I'm sorry, I just..... I thought I dunno that you would find me...disgusting or something, I mean even I find myself repulsive"

"You silly" He chuckled sweetly and kissed me on the cheek which startled me

" I would never think of you like that,
e-especially when I like you s- so much..."

My heart beat faster and faster as my face came up to his own, pulling him in for a kiss just to leave myself surprised by the sweetness of it.
As nervous as I was my body was full of happiness, yet inside of me, I felt the rush of helplessness, the sinking yielding and yearning, a surging tide of warmth that left me limp

The kiss soft and innocent at first turned rough with a swift gradation of intensity that made him cling onto me,
Messily and impatiently tasting every part of his lips, leaving them slightly bleeding
A kiss so poisonous that If his blood was really a poison that could kill, I would gladly drink and swallow every last drop of it

"H- Hyunjin w-wait"

He mumbled in between the kisses, gasping for air as he backed away

"Don't try running away now after getting me all hot and bothered"

"I was not!!"

"Then come here and help me with my blue balls, my dick is just about to fall off-"


Saying weird shit out loud sure made him ran over to me, I could feel him shiver as I licked the back of his palm that was placed over my mouth to keep me from talking

His ears turned bright red as he got more flustered by the second and I could see everything he was feeling from the expressions on his face
I found his reactions so amusing though I did feel a bit bad for teasing him

He squealed and covered his eyes with his right hand as I took his left off of my face and placed it on my member

"Pfff you were so confident minutes ago, saying how you'll 'take care of it' where did all that confidence go? "

"Ugh stop making fun of me"

He threw few of the playful punches my way and I laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation

"Hey mind getting off of me? "

"Hmm? "

"You know my dick will really fall off if I don't take care of this-"

"OH- oh right right be my guest"

He pulled me up, helping me stand up and stepped aside before pointing towards the bathroom doors

"Ha!! You are unbelievable , you know you are so lucky that you're cute"


After I took care of my 'business' peacefully, we ordered some food and settled down in the living room to watch some movies and just chill

"Haaaa that was boring as fuck"

"Yeah bahhaaha, wanna watch another one?"

"Nahh don't feel like it, we watched two already"

"Then what do you wanna do?"

" Hmmmm payback"

" Payback?"

I jumped him from the back and started tickling him

"Ahhh!! come- on stop-"

"No way! You left me dicking off by myself, but you can't take a little bit of tickling?? Hmm skinship boy"

We giggled and laughed but the mood quickly became weird again as my hands, that were still all over his body, slowed down their movements.
I paused for a second and moved myself inches away from him.
Being close to him, touching him, made me greedy for more, and I needed to control myself as to not make him uncomfortable

"Hey H- Hyunjin..."


"Are you okay now?"

"With what?"

"You know.... t- that"

He hesitatingly pointed towards my thighs, well in between my thighs to be exact, all while awkwardly looking me straight in the eyes

"Pfff of course I am, it's been hours, no one stays hard for hours on end-"


"You ask some weird stuff but get embarrassed when I don't filter my words? That's fucking adorable"

Distracted by his sudden question, I didn't notice at first how he blushed bright red or how he looked away as his tiny hands squeezed the ends of his sweater

"But why did you ask me that out of nowhere? "

"No it's nothing, forget about it"

"Hmm what? Hey!!! You-"

Looking now closely at him, the way he arched over and squinted his body as if he was trying to hide something, was all too familiar to me

"You- are you??? No way ??!"


tbh I wasn't planning to make mature scenes but we somehow got here and I guess it's happening ¯\_🤡_/¯

In my defense, no one can say they unhealthy lmao 💀🌚

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