Part 8

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Hyunjin's POV

Quickly after, our time for the room usage expired and we left.
I offered to take him home but he refused, instead he asked if he could stay over at my place tonight as he didn't want to go home, having to see his mom.
I of course, agreed immediately and didn't ask anything further, I could tell it was something that was hard for him to talk about.

I turned on the lights after we entered inside, as it was already dark by the time we arrived at my apartment.


" Here let me"  I took his jacket of and gave him a pair of clean slippers to put on.

" Is your mom not home ? "

" No, she went out of town for a few days for work"

" So....we are alone? "

" Yeah I guess- WAIT NO , I didn't bring you here with any ulterior motives I PROMISE!!"

" Yeah I know " He giggled softly and grabbed my hand which reassured me


After I made us something to eat, we both sat down in the living room in awkward silence once again before he started talking

" My mom.....she....she told me to stop hanging out with you..."

" But why? I thought she liked us being friends "

" Yes she did like us being 'friends', but you and I both know that what we were about to do, friends don't do...."

" Oh....right...."

*How stupid of me to assume that*

" Dose your mother....."

Unable to finish my question, I squeezed my hands into a tight grip, scared of the answer I would get from this question.

" Hyunjin...." His voice wavered and I felt the shifting energy of those heavy emotions as he spoke through his tears.

" It's my fault, all of it is my fault " he repeated, over and over again as he cried out

I tried asking him what it is that he sinned so heavily, for him to bare this much guilt and cry out like this,
But he didn't answer, instead he just kept repeating himself and all I could do was hug him in my own helplessness.

After he calmed down a bit , he continued telling me the rest of the story, and saying that I was shocked would be an understatement, because nothing could have prepared me for what he was about to say.


Felix's father didn't pass away, he divorced Mrs Lee after witnessing her treatment towards her son, Felix..

Before coming to Korea, both Felix and Stacy attended a religious private school on the request of their mother.
Felix one day, told both of his parents about his sexuality, and that's when Mrs Lee started being verbally abusive towards him.

Unable to bare the shame of her son being 'potentially gay' she tried everything in hopes of fixing him, such as taking him too all kinds of weird experiments to 'Cleanse the Inner Vessel' that was taking over her son's body.
But that of course, did not work, and after Felix's father found out about it all, he quickly filed for divorce and custody over both Stacy and Felix.

But he lost the trial and was deemed unfit and unable to take care of them as well as Mrs Lee would.
Devastated and angered by her broken marriage, Mrs Lee blamed Felix for everything, calling him a filthy cursed child and saying extreme stuff such as 'regretting giving birth to him in the first place'.
Word spread around their neighborhood, of the divorced that is , and stricken by shame of people 'talking behind her back' she quickly packed up and flee to Korea with both Felix and Stacy.

Felix also told me that him being unable to attend school for the first full semester wasn't because he was 'bad at Korean' but because Mrs Lee sent him to the boarding school as a punishment for ruining her life.
He was, originally to stay in the school for a full year but he managed to somehow convince her to take him back as he couldn't stand a day in that hellish place anymore.

I was absolutely astonished and disgusted with what she did to her own child.
Anger field every corner of my body and I felt so ashamed for not doing anything sooner,
I found it weird on so many occasions but I never tried asking questions about his absence, and would just brush it aside.

*If only I tried a bit harder*

" Hyunjin please don't cry, you did nothing wrong , we didn't even know each other at the time, how could you have known? "

" I'm sorry Felix, I'm so, so sorry "

"'s really not your fault"


Long hours of the silent night reached out to hover over us,
We both stayed up until the crack of dawn, crying and comforting each other's sorrows.

Emotions are embedded in the eyes, and I could see his whole heart if i just so took a glance,
People say that you are prone to get more hurt as you expose your secrets and tell them your fears,
But both of us weren't afraid, nothing could convey the emotions from yesterday and today, as our hearts laid exposed and vulnerable in each other's.

Yet it wasn't scary,not in the slightest

If I knew he had such beautiful eyes i would have looked sooner, but it was different from looking at the stars, they didn't shine as brightly as they should have, still...they were strikingly beautiful.

As if I was looking at the dark galaxies and soft straps of milky Way that was messily spilled over them, brightening up the dark purple galaxy just enough for me to see myself in it.


Jeez 😭

ALIVE 😃?????

Sayyy what 😃?????
jump scare 🏃‍♀️

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