Part 4

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Felix's POV

" Hey Stacy! Are you done ? I'll start playing the episode without you"

I yelled out as I strolled down excitedly, my arms full of all kinds of snacks as I placed them all on top of a long overstaffed grayish looking sofa which was my moms new and latest addition to this family sized living room

" Yeah wait a sec, I'm coming"

"Was that the pizza guy? Do you need some more cash?"

" Well no , you see-"

" Hi"

A familiar voice spoke up, I didn't look up to see who it was as I was busy arranging the many bags of snacks, but it was the voice impossible not to recognize

" H- Hyunjin? "

" Hi Lix"

He walked inside of the house and started taking his shoes off all while throwing occasional glances at me which made me a bit giddy.
Sometimes it felt like those eyes could see right through me.

" What are you doing here? A- Again?? "

"Ah I errr had some stuff to talk about with Stacy"

" You did? I thought you were just 'passing by' again this time" Added Stacy, before she plumped herself into the soft inflated parts of the cushion

"Should I leave you guys then? I can go back upstairs and give you some priva-"

" No, don't sweat it, whatever he has to say, it can wait, I bet it's nothing important anyway "

" Are you sure it might be-"

" Plus I have to head out soon so let's just start watching, you don't mind him joining us? Do you?"

She quickly glanced up at me, as to see my reaction before turning her gaze back towards the blank screen.
I took a small breath in before answering

" No, not at all, I'll get us some refreshments"


With my back facing them, I walked over to the kitchen as I tiptoed and stretched my left hand forward to grab clear glasses above me while my right hand, that was placed on the kitchen counter below, supported the weight of my body

* Ack damn it * I thought to myself as I struggled to reach up towards the desired objects.
I'm not that short of a guy myself, yet the glassware was 'oh so conveniently' placed on the ridiculously high shelf that was half empty with only few of my mom's favorite porcelain pieces.
I don't really know why she insists on keeping them that high up when she herself needs to step on the chair just to get them out.

" Here let me "

I flinched after hearing the soft voice and feeling a familiar presence behind me.
I wanted nothing more in that moment then to turn around or wiggle myself out, but I couldn't because he was cuffing me from both sides

Being unable to move, I stood still as he slowly took one glass at the time and placed them all down on the counter below.

"Do you guys keep everything this high up? I barely reached it myself"

What he said was right, Hyunjin was a tall guy, yet I could feel him pressing closer to me as he stretched his arm up higher towards my mom's precious pieces of all kinds of tableware

And now those precious pieces were the sole reason of my unstable heart


" Ahhhh that was so fun " Stacy stood up and started stretching her body that stiffened after hours of sitting down

" Should we take a brake now or do I play another episode?"

" You guys do what you want I'm heading out"

" Wait, wait you are leaving?"

" Yes Felix, don't you remember? I told you in the morning that I have an appointment later on today"

*ah that's right, she did mention something along those lines, but still this is too sudden*

I glanced over at a 'particular someone' then back at Stacy who understood me without me having to ask out loud

" Hyunjin isn't going with me"

" Oh- so...errrr Hyunjin are you gonna head out too , I'll see you guys off"

I quickly stood up and started walking towards the door but it was all in vain as I got stopped by the fallowing sentence

" But it's still early, can't I just stay over for a bit? I'll head out soon too"

" Wha- What?!! You are gonna stay??"

" Do you not want me to?

" N- no, that's not it"


After some more light bickering here and there, Stacy left for her important appointment and I stayed all alone with this tall guy that was supposed to be 'my sister's ' friend

He wasn't even sitting that close to me yet the sofa that seemed more then enough to be preoccupied by three people at the same time, was suddenly....too small

" What should we do? Do you want to keep watching Single's Inferno or should we do something else?"

"How about we do something else, after all I intruded on you and your sister's time together"

" No, no you didn't intrude, I'm glad you came over"

" ....??"

" I m- mean , what I mean is .....I had fun too....hanging out with you......and Stacy..."

" pffff "

*he giggled?* I looked up at him curiously
I guess I wanted to see him laugh, and when I did I couldn't help but admire the moment.
As I was busy looking at him, a hand that came into my viewpoint snapped me back to reality before the same large hand ruffled my hair gently

" What is it ?" I asked, confused, still not taking my eyes off of him

" Nothing, you are just....really cute "

" Cu-" I could feel the blood in my body rushing from vein to vein, so quickly that they cut short the flow of my oxygen

" Hey Felix, wanna be friends for real? I wanna get to know you better, if you are of course, fine with it ? "

Of course I'm fine with it , I was more then fine with it, my whole body lit up happily, but I didn't seem to find words good enough to answer him.
Even if all I needed to say was a simple " Yes "

So I just nodded my head and looked away quickly * My first friend* I smiled as I thought to myself

And for the rest of the day, we spent playing games, sitting near at hands distance, as our shoulders touched slightly by every light movement.

Okayyy improvement 😼💅 we stan

lmfao I should really be doing my homework

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