Part 7

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Hyunjin's POV

"Hey Felix!!"

He quickly turned around, after I called out to him, searching for the voice calling out for him in the crowd of people rushing through wide hallways trying to rashly get to their next class.

I waved my hand high and called out his name once again in hopes of him noticing me

"Felix!! I was looking for you everywhere-"

"Ah!! S-sorry Hyunjin, can't talk right now, I have class now, cya-"

" Felix wait-......sigh.."

*He ran away again....this is 4th time today...*

It's been a week since my last visit at his house and the awkward 'incident' with his mom after she almost...well kinda..walked in on us.
And it's been a week since Felix started avoiding me.


At first I thought he was just distressed after everything, but that didn't seem to be the case.
The more he avoided me the more frustrated I got with myself, as thoughts like
*Did I do something wrong??? Did I weird him out??* filled my mind

I don't know why he is avoiding me and it's pretty useless debating on and on about it by myself, when the person in question isn't even present.
But whatever the reason is, I need to talk to him so that I can at least apologize


Thankfully Jisung has most of his classes with Felix and today just so happens to be one of the days where both of them had the last class together.
As for me I skipped mine, and was now, waiting at the back gates of the school as I knew Felix was sure to take this route as he's been pretty successful in 'getting around me' lately thanks to it

Another half an hour passed by, when school bells rang, loudly enough to be heard ringing throughout the school even from the outside.
Front gates quickly starting getting crowded as everyone rushed out without a care in the world, and I just waited for the particular someone to show up


I quickly called out his name and grabbed his wrist before he could turn around or run away

" H- Hyunjin?!"

" Gotcha, jeez finally, I need to talk to you , why are you avoiding me ?"

" I'm not avoiding you "

" Don't lie , you 'are' avoiding me "

" I'm n-not lying...."

" You so are, I can see you avoiding looking me in the eyes, you do that when you lie "

" No I-...... I'm sorry...."

His head was down and he was probably looking at the ground, I could feel that he was uncomfortable, and that is the last thing I wanted him to be

" Did I..... did I do something wrong? Was it because last time I got all weird and tried to-"

" NO!! I mean ... it's not that.... You didn't do anything wrong, so please....don't think like that"

" Then why?" Can't you please tell me hmm? "

".....Come with me,"

And with that he was now the one grabbing me by my wrist as we started walking,
I fallowed from behind with no thoughts in mind as I was just happy to be with him again


" A karaoke room? "

" I just thought we would have the most privacy in here "

" So out of all places you picked out a karaoke room?"

" Y- yes, is something wrong with that?"

" Pfffff"

" HEY! Don't laugh"

" That's fucking adorable"

"Ugh anyways...."

We sat next to each other, The mood quickly becoming awkward again, and both of us were hesitant.
Both me in asking what I wanted to ask and him in saying what he wanted to say

" So...." I started " Why have you been avoiding me?"

I glanced up at him and could see him biting down on his lips, as if he didn't want to say it

" She....." He started, "She saw us..." his voice wavering as he spoke

" But we didn't do anything wrong "

" But we were about to!"

" What...?"

It felt like something slightly squeezed the inside of my heart tightly, in fashion that knocked my breath short

"Are... are you saying that me liking you is....wrong?"

He quickly lifted up his head, looking straight at me, as both confusion and fear plastered over his face.
Felix isn't stupid I know that he understood me well, and that probably left him quiet bewildered.

Seeing him like that made me feel only worse, I didn't want him to feel burdened by my feelings, and I felt sorry, so I apologized

" I'm sorry, please forget about it"

" Forget about it ?? No.... NO!! I don't want to forget about it" He yelled out as he stood up in front of me


" I don't want to forget!! Why must I forget about it , please don't take it back....please "

"Okay, okay I get it shhh" I said as I stood up and pulled him close for a tight hug

The scene was nothing but melodramatic, as we both hugged while standing, random melodies playing in the background and colorful lights flickering around us

We probably stayed like this for hours, just hugging, in this tiny karaoke room, as his quiet sobs escaped the pits of his mouth, with each one, his breaths becoming lighter and more stable

"...... Hyunjin..."

"Hm? What is it ? Did you calm down a bit"

"..... No that's not it..."

" Then, what is it ?"

" Hype boy is playing.... I love that song..."

Quiet baffled as I was, at this adorable yet out of the blue statement, I couldn't help but to break down and laugh

" I guess a song wouldn't hurt"


OKAY 😭 that was errrr something 🥹💅

Lmfao this chapter is terrible I was in a hurry since I didn't have time but I PROMISE the next one is a lil better 🤹‍♀️

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