Part 10

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Felix's POV

" Well, that's because I also wanted to see you first thing in the morning"

His following sentence froze up my body without me releasing it,
I think I could feel him leaning in closer to me with seconds that were passing us by, but I'm not completely sure as my head went blank in that moment

Be that as it may, what I was sure of is ,the feeling of blood in my body heating up, rushing from my belly all the way up to my cheeks, making them turn red in color

I don't know if it was the fact that I skipped breakfast and went out on an empty stomach, or the possibility of me somehow swallowing a butterfly somewhere along the way, but the tickling in my belly made the fast thuds that were my heartbeats that much more vivid

I must have been too distracted by all of the new feelings and sensations rushing throughout my body, but before I knew it I felt warmth blossoming in my chest as he leaned in close, lips brushing together, gently and dotingly, for the first time..


His lips were soft, and kisses delicate, against my own, I could feel the soft tickles of our breaths beneath my nose that quickly got cut short as his hand slipped down my hip, leaving me in a shiver

My lips parted slightly, allowing his tongue to slip inside and I could taste a sweet milky flavor with a still bitter aftertaste of a freshly brewed morning coffee that he must've picked up from his favorite coffee shop while on his way.

Our bodies got closer to one another, pressed together heatedly, that alone allowing me to inhale the scent of his perfume.
A soft and calming smokey scent with a heavy emphasis on the base that tingled my nose as I breathed him in,
And that very scent left me feeling dizzy the more I leaned into him

"H- Hyunjin- wait-"

I tried to say something but I'm not even sure what it was that I wanted to say in the first place as my words turned into mumbles, forgotten in between his addictive kisses

" Shhh Felix, don't talk , don't think, just feel me, only me."

I was already far too gone to agree to it but I'm sure I would even if it was subconsciously,
Nonetheless I'm glad of the distant but still loud enough voices who we could hear, accompanied by the loud and heavy stamping sounds of the more then one footsteps walking towards us up the hallways.


"Ayooo it's so freaking early in the morning"

Spoke up Jisung yawning, his already loud enough voice, getting even louder and clearer the closer he walked towards us

" Yo Minho, guess what!!"

" Mhm, what? "

" I bet we could see that peculiar someone that unlocks the schools doors every morning If we were to show up a bit earlier than this"

" Jisung it's probably one of the staff members like janitor"

" Nahhh I don't buy that, I bet it's either the principal or-"

Jisung's sentence left unfinished as Minho opened the doors of the classroom we were in.

" Minho ? Why are you just standing there? Let me through!!"

"Jisung you were saying how you wanna know who opens up the school every morning?"

" yeah and I could tell you were disinterested-"

" Well then , why don't you ask them"

Minho pointed towards me and Hyunjin, 'obviously' as we were the only ones in the classroom

" Yoo Felix, Hyunjin whatcha doin?? I see the desks pulled closer you guys were so napping in class pfff"

"W- what are you saying, classes didn't even start"

" Dang Felix I'm joking, chill your horses, are you that mad at me ? I can see you boiling red "

*I'm not red because of you dumbass*

" A- anyways, what are you guys doing here so early? "

" Oh me and Minho, we were gonna do the homework-"

" You were gonna do the homework, I already did mine long ago"

" Ahm ahm , I was gonna do the homework and Minho was supposed to help me"

" Was I? "

" Yes!!! but now I don't need you anymore cause Felix is here and he is gonna help me do it instead, right Lix?"

" Umm s-sure"

I felt my knees go numb just as I was about to get up and I fell down face flat

" Felix ?!! Are you okay?"

All 3 of the yelled out at the same time as they reached out to me to pull me up

*Ahh just kill me please this is so fucking embarrassing, did I really went weak in knees after few kisses from him????*

" Y- yeah, yeah I'm fine, Jisung let's go!"

I leaned over Jisung's shoulder and we both walked out of the classroom.
I wish I didn't see Minho's expression as we passed him by, but unfortunately I did, and he looked at me with the most *I saw everything* smirk on his face

Still, I couldn't be more grateful that it wasn't Jisung that saw us cause he would never shut up about it and I don't think I'm mentally strong enough to get through that kind of secondhand embarrassment.

I just hope he doesn't get a bad grade on this homework as I have no idea what I told him to write down since my head was in a daze and I couldn't think straight for the rest of the day.


Ofc you couldn't think straight cause you ga-


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