Still At The Dance!

12 2 38

Middletown High School

LaRosa Lane

Middletown, Connecticut

DJ: *plays Same Song by Digital Underground as a request by Francis*

Singer: All Over The World Is The Same Song!

Dorian: *finds a girl to dance with* Hey, want to dance?

Girl: I'm taken! *wears a black dress*

Boy: Yeah, she's mine! Shove off, loser!

Dorian: *crestfallen* Fine. All I wanted was to dance with someone! *storms out into the hallway*

Kyle: Dorian?! Dude, what's wrong? *rushes out after him*

Brandon: *rushes out too* Dorian? Where you going, buddy?

Dorian: *walks into the boys bathroom and tears up* I hate this!!!!

Brandon: *enters the bathroom* Dude, you okay?

Dorian: *bawling hysterically*

Kyle: Oh boy! *hugs Dorian*

Dorian: *hugs Kyle while crying his eyes out*

Brandon: You want to go home?

Kyle: *still hugging Dorian* I think he's upset, cause he cannot find a girl to dance with.

Dorian: *choked sobs* Its not fair! This girl turned me down!

Kyle: *still hugging Dorian* Dude, forget her! She's just a jerk! You still want to dance, or go home?

Dorian: *stops sobbing* I'll stay. *sniffs*

Brandon: Splash some water over your face.

Dorian: *splashes some water over his face*

Kyle: You feel better now, bro?

Dorian: Yeah.

Kyle: Okay.

Pam: *talks over the loud music* Where's Dorian?

Ashley: *talks over the loud music* He probably had to step out a minute! I don't see Brandon and Kyle either!

Kyle: Sorry about that! Dorian stormed off, and broke down in the bathroom, cause that girl in the black dress turned him down for another dude!

Pam: Oh no, she didn't! *storms over towards the girl and taps on her shoulder*

Girl: What do you want?

Pam: You mess with my friend, you gotta deal with me! *beats the girl up*

Girl: *getting beat up*

Boy: What the heck is she beating up my girlfriend for?!!!

Brandon: Go, Pam!

Pam: *still beating up the girl*

Girl: *still getting beat up*

This story was written on Friday, February 10th, 2023.

A/N How dare that girl diss Dorian like that?! 😡 But Pam is putting her in her place!! Man, can she fight or what?! 👊👊👊👊👊👊 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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