Strange Encounter

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(Angel Dust P.OV.) 

     Do you ever get that feeling like you are suppose to know someone. Like, it's meant to be. I though so, but now I'm not so sure.

My eyes drifted over from the chair I was sitting at. It had been 4 days since the 'Radio Demon' had shown up at the hotel, and honestly I don't know how to feel. He is so, stiff. No matter what I said I can't seem to break him. In my defense, it has been only 4 days. Charlie gave him a room, so it could be more convenient as he was the manger after all. She seems ecstatic about the fact that he is here. Blind sighted by the fact that he doesn't seem to have any interest in it. Or at least for my view it doesn't. All he does is walk around with his hands behind his back like he is some big ole tough guy and and uses fancy language. All. Day. Long. And like I mentioned before, he's stiff as a rock. No amount of sex jokes will get to this guy. I mean c'mon, I'm attractive, but he doesn't even see me as a being. I'm more like a scrap less item, like I am to everyone.

I sat at my chair with my legs swing over the side. My eyes had drifted over to the one and only Radio demon. I was about to get up and walk over to him, but what stopped me was the fact that he seemed disturbed by something. He stopped walking from where he was and froze, arms beside his side. I decided to stand up and help him out. With whatever kind of freaky problem he was having. 

     "Hey, smiles, ya good?" I began saying, walking over to Alastor to see if something was wrong. I was about to put my hand on his shoulder when I stopped. I stopped because he turned over to me and stared me dead in the eyes. Just stared. Still a smile remained on his face, but that was the only sign that he was half ok. His eyes were dials and his antlers where slightly grown. I pulled my hand away and stepped back a bit. Right as I did that it all seemed to stop. He went back to normal and was about to walk away when he noticed me out of the corner of his eye.

"Ah! Angel, my good friend, how are you on this fine day we have here!" He said with a smile plastered on his face.

     I decided to refrain from making any jokes. I was already weird out enough and I didn't need to make it worse. Without saying anything I stepped backwards before turning around and sprinting.

 I fucking ran out of there. Something was giving me bad vibes, and I have know from past experiences to always, ALWAYS, trust my gut. Spider instincts I guess.

I ran out of the lobby, went to the only place in the hotel I thought was a 'haven', the rooftop. I often went there a lot to relax. Opening the door to the rooftop, I stepped out and looking around. Nothing changed, perfect. I walked over the the edge and sat down. I let myself ease up, forget what happened with Al. That wasn't my business, and I may be rude, but I'm not going to push my limits. 

Suddenly, as if to ruin all my relaxation, I got a text. Hoping it was from Cherri I grabbed my phone and looked at the home screen. Unfortunately my prayers were not answers (of course they weren't I'm a demon), my eyes moved down to the contact name that read: From Daddy~. I clicked on it already knowing what would happen if I didn't respond quickly. The text read: 'Angel Baby, I need you down at the studio in 30, can you do that for daddy?'

'Of course Daddy, see ya!' I typed before hitting send. Once I did I stepped down from the edge and began to walk back to my room. Once I got there I put on more revealing clothes and a overcoat.     

I walked down to the lobby, checking from a corner to make sure Al wasn't there. Thankfully it was only Charlie and Nifty. They were both cleaning together, but obviously Nifty was the faster one. I yelled out to them, or whoever was listening. "I'm off to work! Call me if ya need anything!" And opened the door outside. 

Good ole Hell. Looks just the same as I remember it. I started the walk to the studio, but slowly started to dread it. If he needed me in 30 minutes then It was important, and I was fully sober. I wasn't ready to deal with whatever shit Val was gonna give me today, but I just decided to suck it up. Whatever was going to happen was going to happen, I just hoped it wasn't to bad. The studio started getting closer in sight, and thankfully I was 10 minutes early and 5 minutes away (if that makes any sense ) which meant that I would be there in 25. I silently did a fist pump before turning the corner to the studio.  I walked over and opened the door, knowing exactly where to head to. Val's office. The receptionist just gave me a wave, obviously high. I waved back before making my way up for the stairs. Once I got to the door I hesitated knocking. I could hear high tension inside, but I went ahead and knocked anyways.

The door opened swiftly to reveal a very angry Val. He looked like he wanted to throw me across the room. And he almost did. He grabbed me by my neck and lifted me off the ground. I struggled in his grasp, gasping for air when Vox spoke. 

"Leave the boy alone Val he hasn't done anything wrong." Vox said, convincing Val to put me down, but making sure to throw me down instead of dropping me. I hit the floor with a thunk, gasping for air. I pulled myself up against the wall to regain balance. Once I was up I saw what was going on. Ratings were dropping because of a new client, and Val wants me to fix it. Before I could even say anything Val started hitting stuff. Vox was trying to calm him down because 'it's only by a little and I'm sure Angle could fix it.' I tried calming him down, which resulted in him throwing a glass bottle towards my head. I ducked, and flinched at the sound it made when it hit the wall.

I went to go leave and let Vox deal with his shit when Val grabbed me again. He pulled me into a rough hug and used the chance to put a gun up to my head with one of his arms. I flinched and froze in his clutch.

"Your not going anywhere Angel Cakes, not until these ratings are going up, and you're going to fix that..."


Well, what do you think? I didn't re read over it, so sorry if there are any grammatical issues. I really tried on this because it's my first story. I hope you enjoyed this Chapter! There will be more coming out soon!

Words: 1224

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