Dissolving Dreams

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(3rd Person P.O.V)

Angel leaned forward, applying pressure to his back foot and dashing forward, taking one to the ground. He landed with an oof and Angel used that chance to swing his leg forward, jabbing it into an awkward angle on the guys ankle, making it bend.

The other guys wasted no time pouncing on the spider demon. It turned into a tumbled role, with angel a top of one guy beating the shit out of him, and the other two kicking angel.

Honestly it was a sight to see. And that was exactly what Alastor thought when he walked into the  room. Angel, In a red dress, tackling a guy on the ground, with two others trying to hurt him from the back. Alastor raised an eyebrow and started to laugh manically, making all 4 of them look up. Angel smiled, seeing Alastor again made him happy. He didn't get to feel that emotion much longer though, as he was tossed to the side by a tentacle. Angel hit the wall, groaning and rubbing his back. He watched a sight infront of him unfold. Angel covered his eyes, as blood curdling screams echoed through the room.

The once scary situation of being reunited with Philip had disappeared, knowing that Alastor was very well ripping demons to shreds for him. Angel still told himself that it wasn't for him though, as it was just to get Angel away from them so he can go home and forget about all their interactions together. 

The sounds of shrieking of stopped, replaced by a whooshing sounds. Angel took his hands off his eyes, and leaned his back against the wall and sighing. The spider demon stood up, and look to his right. Alastor stood off next to the door, smiling wickedly and pulling on his gloves. 

Angel stared at him, mesmerized by the sight. A faint blush still arose on his face.

Yep, definitely in love.

Alastor noticed Angel, and began walking over to him. The joy of having murdered those three demons still ringing through his head. He reached his hand out for Angel, which Angel graciously accept. He used the momentum to pull himself up with the help. No words were exchanged, both felt at peace. Alastor, still holding Angels hand, snapped. Allowing both of them to teleport away from this horrid place. Along with the snap, Angels dress changed back to him normal outfit.


The yellow hue that the lights of the hotel provided was welcoming. Angel smiled at it. It felt good to be back. Husk was sitting at the bar, a bottle of booze pressed against his lips, and a blank stare across. He noticed the pair appear, and chocked on his booze, coughing rapidly and banging at his chest.

Once Husker was done coughing, he composed himself, speaking: "Well look what the deer dragged in. Welcome back you too." Husk tried to make it sound as plain as possible, but it wasn't really working. Husk talking to people gave Charlie and Vaggie the signal that someone was here, and they both came out of a room look around. To see Alastor and Angel again made them both happy. Charlie dashed over, and vaggie followed behind. Charlie pulled both Alastor and Angel into a group hug, jumping excitingly.

"You guys are back! Boy did it feel sad without you! I'm so gla- why are you guys holding hands?" Charlie rambled, stopping when she looked down at their hands and noticed they were intertwined. Both Angel and Alastor ripped their hands away, Alastor holding onto his with a hue of blush and embarrassed, and Angel bringing his hand to his head to scratch it.

"Hah, oh it's nothing toots, he just teleported us here, that's all." Angel said, laughing making Charlie suspicious. She may be all smiled and rainbows, but she wasn't dumb. Still she put on the cover of "Alright!" And pretended to let it go.

Both Angel Dust and Alastor missed the warmth, but neither did anything about it. Why would they?

Nifty emerged from a different room to hear to commotion. The curiosity getting the best of her.

Seeing Angel and Alastor back made her spring towards them, wrapped her arms around their Angels legs. She may be an adult, but the essence of childless in her still roamed. That, and the fact that she was happy to see both of them again. It was just as Charlie said, it was burning here without them.

So, anything interesting happen while we were gone? It was an innocent question, and a normal thing to ask. Anyone would've. Except apparently it wasn't, because the tension in the room got so think. A look of confusion cam across Angels face, and he look over to Alastor to find Alastor still smiling, but his brows were furrowed and his eyes also expressed confusion. Charlie looked down, and Vaggie put her hand on her shoulder. Husk looked away, putting the beer back to this lips and Nifty pulled away from Angels legs.

"Uhhh, Ya guys good?" Angels voice rung throughout the cold tension of the hotel. Charlie sighed, beckoning both Angel and Alastor to follow her. Vaggie followed behind Charlie. Alastor looked at Angel, and they both exchanged a look of worry.

The followed, into a dark corner of the hotel. A door leading outside was opened but Charlie. In a line, they all exited the hotel. The aura grew darker, making Angel uncomfortable.

The went to the right corner of the hotel and stopped there. Angel was confused, but Alastor noticed it immediately. 

"Toots, I don't se-." Angel was cut off by his looking down and scanning the wall. Angel gasped, and Charlie look away, tears wielding up in her eyes. She began to whisper stuff to herself, causing Vaggie to bring her into a hug and hold her tightly. 

On the corner of the hotel, black dust was slowly dissolving into the air.

The hotel was dying.


"Next chapter will come out soon." Ha, I should've known better.

Sry for the wait everyone! 


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