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( 3rd person P.O.V.)

What if there was something we could do?


Angel sprung up from his bed, a midnight thought having hit him like a rocket. It made so much sense, but yet none at the same time. It couldn't be, could it? 

What if he had just found out what was happening to the hotel.

He got out of bed swiftly, his loose bedtime clothes making him shiver. He rushed over to his vanity, and pulled open a drawer. His vanity doubled as his desk. He pulled out a notebook, and examined his most recent page. A list of the problems that had occur to the hotel. Dissolving, shaking, cracking. 

Angel had recalled a previous meeting the princess had with her dad. She had tried to convince him that this hotel was a good idea. They had a fight. A big one. She spent the rest of the evening locked in her room. Vaggie hadn't even managed to get her out. The princess emerged the next day, exhausted.

Her and her father had been distant ever since. More distant than ever. Angel had vividly recalled this.

And the more he thought about the dissolving, the more her fathers magic came to mind.


But, he wouldn't, couldn't, do something like this to his own daughter. He wouldn't purposely put a spell on the hotel, Right?

Angel grumbled, closing the notebook and standing up. He walked over to his door, and opened it, walking outside and towards the staircase. He was going to the rooftop. He needed to breath, and he couldn't sleep anyways.

He headed up silently, reaching the top. He opened the door, but instead of heading for the edge, he turned the corner and headed for the flowers. Those beautiful flowers that he had forgotten. The bleeding heart flowers. After all, weren't all our hearts bleeding in a way. Angel knew his was. He had felt such a rush of emotions and feelings. It seemed like one thing always happened after the other. Whether it was the hotel, or Philip, or Valentino.

Oh shit, Valentino.

He had completely forgotten about Valentino. Checking his phone hasn't been his top priority, that's for sure. He hoped Val wouldn't be too mad with his absence. The last time he remembered seeing Val was when he was kept locked up for the ratings.

Angel took a refreshing breath, letting that thought leave his mind, he didn't need that right now.

Angel arrived at the flowers, and bent down, holding one still attached to the vein delicately in his hands. Angel smiled, his hair blowing slightly. It was cold, which was unusual for hell. Why was it cold? Angel didn't know. He didn't bother in finding out. He was at peace.

Angel then stood up, letting go of the flower and walking to the edge of the hotel that was above the dissolving corner. He wanted to see if he could see the damage from up there. He hoped that it wouldn't be visible from up at this height.

Angel peeked over the edge, his breathing hitched immediately.

"Oh shit." Angel said for the second time this evening, his raspy voice broke the air. It had gotten worse. Way worse. It creeped up the side of the building, flakes of it scattered on the ground like black snow. Angel stood straighter, no longer leaning over, his face was blank as he looked over.

Even though his idea was crazy, he had to act on something, and fast. He couldn't let Charlie's dream die, he wouldn't.

"Okay okay okay..... shit—, what am I supposed to do? I mean there ain't much I can, he is the king of hell. And on top of that it's just a theory." Angel Dust rambled on, trying to rack his brain and produce a better answer and solution than the one he currently had.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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