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 Angel woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. He forgot what is was like to wake up in his bad, after 4 days of sleeping at Val's, and 1 nap on the floor. Fat nuggets came running up to him, his hooves clanking as he snorted at his owner. Angel laughed before swinging his legs out of bed. Last night after the talk, Angel finally fed his pig. He was honestly just glad fat nuggets wasn't dead.

Angel walked over to his wardrobe before pulling opened the closet doors. He grabbed a pink sweater with some black shorts, as well as his black boots. It was a simple outfit, but it was enough.

Angel looked at himself in the mirror and smiled. Flashbacks of when he cleaned himself up at Val's appeared in his head, and he's confidence faded, he forgot about that. He never wanted to remember it again. Ever. Angel looked away from the mirror, hoping to never see another one for the rest of the day, and opened his door. He braved himself for all the screaming Charlie was going to do before walking downstairs. Thankfully, no one was down there. That was honestly a surprise, for so late in the morning, he expected someone to be down here.

Angel decided to surprise the crew by making them pancakes for breakfast. The least he could do is be helpful after being gone for so long.

Angel went to the kitchen and started grabbing all the ingredients with his hands. Humming an Italian tune that if anyone wanted to hear, they would have to be very close to listen. It was a beautiful tune, one his mother used to sing to him. How he missed that. He hoped she was in heaven. She deserved to be in heaven. Angels mind subconsciously filled in while he made the pancakes, and before he know it, it was done. Satisfied with his work he took out a plate and set down the pancakes  for anyone to grab. Apparently the smell attracted some people because Angel heard some noise coming from the stares.

"Vaggie, is that you, it smells delicious down here." Charlie mumbled, rubbing her eyes, still in her pajamas. She stepped down the stares sluggishly, even for it being late in the morning. 

Charlie's eyes adjusted to the light. She still wasn't looking towards the figure in the kitchen though.

"Hey toots, ya hunger?" Angel said, holding back a giggle that came upon him. Charlie's eyes wider at the voice and her head whipped towards the kitchen to see a certain spider demon. "ANGEL" she yelled, running towards him with her arms open. 

She jumped into Angel arms, hugging him tight like and old friend reuniting. By now the rest of the crew had come downstairs. Half attracted towards the smell, half towards the screaming.

Everyone else went to either go hug, or greet Angel. They had all missed him very much. All except a deer demon. He held behind, smiling a genuine smile on his face as he watched the staff go and welcome Angel. Angel happened to make eye contact with Alastor in this moment. They both exchanged a glance of appreciation for each other, and genuine smile on both of their faces, as well as an invisible glow of blush on Angels face at seeing Alastor. Of course Angel didn't mention this though, nor did he plan too.

After the reunion everyone's attention directed to the pancakes. No one has ever seen Angel cook, but he looked surprising good at it. Everyone went to grab a pancake, taking a moment to appreciate Angels cooking skills before biting in. Everyone was impressed. Even Husker, which was surprising of him. He even made a note to say to Angel, "You know kid, I'm surprised. I thought these were gonna be worse." 

Angel turned around, 2 sets of arms crossed, 2 on his hips and said, "Surprised? Well geez Husky Poo, I'm not bad at everything." He made sure to say it in a joking and sarcastic tone. Everyone burst out laughing at this. How they missed Angel. I didn't feel like the Hotel without him. It felt whole again. Everyone felt whole with Angel back. 


Angel walked down the hotel hallway. His feet swaying slightly because he was tired. He made it to his room and opened the door, looking upon the dark empty room. He swayed in and turned on his vanity light. He looked down at his vanity and saw a note plastered there. It was in cursive, which meant that Angel couldn't identify who it came from by their handwriting like he usually could. The spider picked up the note and read it in his mind.

"It's rude to not say thank you, so why didn't you." 

Angel was stunned by the note. It was strange, because he didn't remember any incident of not saying thank you. The fact that it was in cursive was stranger, because it meant that the person did want Angel to know who they were.

Angel out down the note and stretched his top arms in the air, using the bottom set to crack his back. He yawned, blinking a couple times before ultimately turning off the vanity lights, casting his room back into the shadows it was in before. Angel heard Fat Nuggets Oink. He turned around figuring he tuned it out before, and picked up the hellish pig. Angel rubbed his nose to fat nuggets (does Angel have a nose?, before putting Fat Nuggets down and flopping on his bed.

Not wanting to do much work Angel just pulled his clothes off and boots, deciding to sleep naked (don't have a dirty mind), once his clothes were off he rolled over and burritos himself in his blanket before sighing and releasing all the pressure he was putting on his body to stand.

The spider slowly drifted off to sleep, the sound of shrieks and cars faded from Hell below. Angel shut his eyes and relaxed into the abyss of what was known as the dream world.


Nobody probably cares, but I'm back from my break! Had some personally issues to deal with.

Our spidey boy is taking a nap.

Ok, but seriously, does Angel have a nose?

Words: 1034

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