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Angel Dust finally had a chance to examine where he was hurt. He was bleeding in multiple places, his head was still spinning, and he had glass and wood shards embedded in him. He winced as he was walking, putting pressure and whatever leg hurt less. He really couldn't tell at this point.

Angel and Alastor continued walking. Angel followed wherever Alastor was taking him. He trusted him. The reason Alastor didn't teleport was because the teleporting process might cause harm to Angel, and in the state he was in right now that was the last thing Angel needed. Alastor decided the best place to take him was his radio tower. It was the only place he could think of that would publicly humiliate Angel. Unfortunately, the tower was on the other side of the Pentagram.  

"Angel dear, I am going to let you know that I am going to teleport us, this may hurt." Angel replied with an "Mmhmm" Letting Alastor know he was good to teleport. Alastor used the hand he wasn't using to hold Angel up to snap. Green blaze swarmed around them before they appeared in Alastors Radio Tower.

They specifically appeared in Alastors office. It had a red hue to it, with a messy desk and some unnecessary decorations. But it was quite homey.

Alastor pulled up and chair and made Angel sit down before wandering off. Angel took this opportunity to look more around his office. His eyes were quite tired, drooping slightly, but he managed to keep them open. 'For Alastor' he kept telling himself. Angel heard footsteps coming back and turned his head to see Alastor with a medical kit. He had no idea Alastor knew how to tend wounds. Angel always just wrapped them and moved on with his day.

Alastor kneeled down and open the kit. Still maintaining of smile. It was a soft one this time. Tender, and ever so slightly kind. Angel smiled gently at this. Alastor took out and unknown  substance before looking up at Angel for permission to help. Angel looked down at him with intriguing eyes, luring Alastor to go on. Alastor applied the cream on the part of the cream above his boot. Angels boot happened to block most of the damage from his legs, but that didn't stop all of it. Alastor rubbed it in gently, making sure to not make it weird. There was a comfortable silence between the two, as Alastor tended to Angel dust. He picked out splinters and shards of glass before disregarding them. Angel decided to do this task on his arms himself, so Alastor wouldn't have to do it later.

Not that Angel would have minded.

The silence was comfortable and Angel found himself zoning out. When his focus came back he caught the eyes of the Radio Demon staring back at him. It seemed like he was already staring at him.

The pair stared at each other before Alastor spoke. "Would you mind telling me what happened?"

Angel dust looked down towards his lap mumbling yes in reply before taking a breath to ease his stress. He looked back up and started with the story, explaining how he was going for a night out when on the way back he went up the building to take a break, and how when he went down the stairs broke. Angel specifically left out the dream part, ready to answer with a lie if Alastor asked.

Alastor sighed at the end of the story before standing up and running a hand through his hair. He dropped the hand and reached out to help Angel Dust out. Angel took the hand and boosted him self up from the chair, his legs wobbling in the process.

Angel steadied himself, still holding Alastors hand. Once he was somewhat stable he let go of Alastor and stretched his hands to get the blood flowing.

Angel looked up at Alastor with eyes of gratitude. He didn't know what he would've done if Alastor wasn't there. He found himself curious as to why Alastor was there in the first place. Angel, always being the curious type, questioned Alastor for more information. In all honesty if was probably nothing but he still wanted to know.

"Sooo, why where ya out there that late. I told ya my part of the story, now it's ya turn." Angel said, his recognizable accent showing through. Alastor straightened his back and started speaking.

"Well angel, cheir, It was a fine evening and I found myself wandering the streets looking for some sort of entertainment. I didn't find any, obviously. It was quite 'late' out. I decided to go back towards the hotel when I heard a scream. I now know that it was your scream. Being a gentlemen, I was ready to check up on whoever it was when I saw you. Well, I called for you and now we are here. I'm sure you can fill in everything between" Alastor said, rambling on a bit.

"Well, ain't that a dandy story." Angel replied, fixing Alastors bow tie that had gotten a bit scrambled. He then proceeded to try and walk away. It ended up more being limping.

Alastor chuckled, "Well my dear, I suppose it was. But you are in no condition to try and walk home. And no guest of mine will be left in that state of yours. Come now, you will stay here for the time being." 

Angel froze at those words. Staying at the Radio Demons place? IN HIS TOWER! Nothing screams danger more than that. But then again, Alastor wouldn't do anything to hurt him. Right? If anything he helped him. Angel felt a hue of blush arising of his face before shaking it away and replying to Alastors offer.

"Why, thank you for the offer, that sounds delightful." Angel said, mimicking Alastors politeness.

Alastor leaded Angel Dust to a spare bedroom looking place. It wasn't much, probably just for emergency, but Angel smiled at the room. He was very appreciative that Al would even consider his well-being. 

Angel walked in and turned around, wishing Alastor a goodnight and much thanks for everything. Alastor bowed jokingly for before saying Goodnight it what Angel presumed was French. Alastor shut the door and Angel let out a sigh he had been holding as he clutched his heart.

"Wow, who would've thought?" 


122 Views! Wow! Thank you to everyone who has read my story! I appreciate so much!

Also sorry for the wait. I have no excuse, It was just writers block and laziness. I promise the next one won't take to long to come out!


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