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Sometimes, love feels limited.


"Want a fun time?" A voice called from behind him over the blasting lights and noise of the club.

"Suck a dick" Angel replied in response, not wanting to deal with whatever drama this low-some buster wanted from him.

"Only if it's yours." The demon shot back, making Angel scowl and put out the flame of the cigarette in his hand. He sighed, dropping the cigar and crushing it with his boots. He furred his brows together and put his hands against his temple and groaning. Turning around he responded.

"Listen ya low bucket scum in a shower, I don't got time to deal with whatever shit your gonna give me, so I will give ya 5 seconds to leave me alone." Angel said to the demon, taking him aback from Angels response.

 Angel placed his hand on his hip and started counting.






The demon stood there unamused by Angels attempt to be scary. 

"Ya asked for it buster." Angel said before delivering a hefty punch to the jaw. When the demon when to go clutch his jaw Angel kicked him in the balls. The demon obviously crouched down in pain from this, whimpering like a dog. No one around them seemed to notice. Unfortunately for Angel, he had forgotten about his wrapped foot. And that was the one he chose to kick with.

Angel flinched in pain, his leg throbbing. Even though it had been a couple days since the hit, it still hurt massively. He didn't let anyone see too closely though. The demon was still crouched over clutching his balls, so Angel took the chance to limp away. He stepped outside of the random club, breathing in the musky smell of hell.

Angel sighed, before journeying home. Limping the whole way. Even though it was impossible to tell, it was technically night time in hell. So the pride ring was less busy then usual. Music was playing from who knows where. It was an old tune, 1920ish. Angel exhausting laughed at this. It reminded him of Alastor. The song wasn't really Angels vibe. Even though he died in the 1950s, he tended to like more modern pop music. Angel continued limping, finding peace in the song. Suddenly the song screeched to a stop, making Angel grabbed his ears from the horrendous noise. It stopped, but now there was no music. Disappointed, Angel walked in silence.

Angel stopped in front of a random building. It looked abandoned, which was strange considering the overpopulation in hell. Almost never was a building empty. Heck, even the hotels were always full.

Well, except The Hazbin Hotel.

Angel decided to make a pit stop in his night out, and entered the building. Waking up the rickety staircase, he made it to the top. It was quite a tall building, not long in width though. The top of the building was a balcony type area. Angel leaned against the wall, Next to the door he slid out of. Angel sunk down the wall until he was sitting. Angel looked up, admiring the symbol of hell that loomed above. He saw heaven further down. It was like a planet up there, majestic looking, even.

Angel wondered what Heaven was like, he didn't know if he wanted to go though. What is he found someone, or something he loved. Take fat nuggets for example. Angel doubted that fat nuggets would be allowed up into heaven, he was a pig after all.

Angel didn't want to think about it, instead he focused on the sound of partying down below. Thinking about death after death was equally as scary as thinking about death after life. What would it be like. He was sure there was no such thing as double hell. What nonsense that was.

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