In between

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Angel dust walked up to his room. He opened the door and shut it, making sure to do both quietly. He locked is and slowly sank down against the door. His mind kept repeating things that he didn't want to hear. Over, and over, and over. The spiders thoughts were mostly consumed by what the hotel staff thought of him. He felt hot tears once again slide down his delicate fur, soaking in.

He heard yelling for downstairs followed by stomping. He stood up and stepped away from the door to go stare out the window that his room had come with. He remember specifically asking for a room with a window. 

It may be hell, but It was home.

He heard the running footsteps getting closer to his room. He could tell it was only one person, and he dreaded whoever it may be. Knowing the hurry, it was probably Charlie. He really hoped it wasn't though. Somebody, anybody else. Someone who wouldn't pester him. Who would just listen without trying to interrupt with ideas. Angel stopped crying to listen to whoever was coming to the door.

He heard frantic knocking on his door, followed by a "Hello?! Angel!?" The spider decided to stay silent, pretending like he wasn't there. He didn't hear the footsteps change until he heard more footsteps. They were light but stern, so he presumed they were Vaggies, coming to collect the demon princess. His assumption was correct, because the voice that followed the footsteps was Vaggies.

"Charlie, please, be real, he is not here. He probably off doing drugs and using his body." Angel felt his eyes tear up at this comment. "Just come with me, let's make you some tea." 

"Ok, if you say so Vaggie." Charlie responded, sighing, as her girlfriend was probably correct.

 Angel heard mumbling after that, followed by footsteps walking away. He slowly walked to his bed and picked up a pillow. It was the lightest and least noisy thing he could find. Angel chucked it across the room, silently screaming as he slid down to the floor and hugged his legs with 4 of his arms, the other 2 hidden. It was the closest thing he has to closure. He slid down to the point his stomach was on the floor and he was laying flat. He felt his thoughts drifting away as his eyes started to close.


Angel awoke with a gasp. He looked at his surroundings to find he wasn't in the hotel anymore. He was in, the studio? He stood up and looked around. He saw he was specifically in the bathroom. Had he dreamed the whole thing. Did he never go home? Would he be trapped here forever?! Angel opened the bathroom door and stepped out to find Val and Vox talking. Their body language was different than usual. It was stiff, cold hearted. True, the on and off couple usually fought, but this was different than a fight.

He looked back and forth between the pair before finally speaking.

"Not to be rude or anything, but who's Grandma just got killed?" Angel said, his usually snarky and rudeness showing. The one he wanted so bad to get rid of.

Val turned around and sighed, he started at Angel and spoke. "If you had a second death, would you regret the things you never did?" Angel was obviously taken off guard by the question. Val never cared about his feelings, or anyones for that matter. Angel found himself stammering to come up with a answer. Val didn't wait for a response. Or to hear one. He pulled out a cigar, and lit it. Angel just stood there dumbfounded. Vox had a somber look on his face. He looked away as if he knew something nobody else did. Val put out of the cigar with his pointer and thumb finger. He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a gun.

Val pointed the gun at Angel, while looking down. Vox had turned around at this point, not wanting to see. Angel stood there kind of dumbfounded. 

"You better hope that question is no Angel Cakes." Val said, before pulling the trigger to his gun.


Angels eyes shot open. He gasped, his lungs begging for air, his eyes were blurry and watering. Angel looked around and noticed he was in his room. Nothing changed. He was still on the floor. He looked at his clock on the nightstand and saw it read 8:00p.m. He sort of remember getting back in the afternoon. Angel stood up and regained balance. He thought over everything in the dream.

Was he afraid of a second death? Was Val the problem..?

Was Angel the problem to everyone?

Angel decided to clear his head by heading to the rooftop. He dragged his feet over to the door, unlocking it and shuffling down the seemingly endless hallway. He reached the stairs and trudged his way up them. Once he got to top he pushed open the door. Outside, the bright red sky of hell shone. Time was hard to tell, so the sky in the city always sort of looked the same. Angel shuffled over to the balcony edge. Sitting down and swinging his feet over. 

Angel started down at the street below, waving his feet back and forth. He has no intention of jumping, nor did he plan to, but he couldn't help but wonder what was after your 2nd death.

Angel sighed and leaned his head back, looking up at the stars. He let his mind go, relaxing. He changed the way he was sitting one last time. He settled on sort of bad posture, with his 4 hands on his lap staring down. It was kind of peaceful to him to seen the sinners below. To imagine what they had been through by their appearance. Appearance told a lot about a person. Especially in hell.

The spider demon was sitting by himself, the cold air brushing against his fur when he heard a voice behind him, it started him. It was a very familiar voice. One he longed to hear during some moments of the day.

"You know, everyone is worried about you."


*Sighs in Radiodust* 

What did you think? Opinions are always welcome :) 

Words: 1031

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