Broken: inside and out

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(This chapter is going to be written in 3rd person, let me know if you like it more like this, or in Angels POV)


Angel felt his arms go limp. He shivered as he walked along the path. All he could hear were names. Over and over.




The spider was starting to think is was true. For so long he had pushed away every bad thought. Every name. Every snarky comment. He had to admit the redemption thing was getting to him. But he couldn't any longer. Valentino broke him. Everyone broke him. He didn't know who he was. He felt lost. Alone. Broken

He started to think about everyone back at the hotel. Thought about every moment someone was nice to him.

Charlie had always been nice to him, but was she faking it? Was she pushing through because she wanted to prove redemption was real. Was he just a burden that refused to move?

Vaggie: Vaggie was never nice to him.

Husk, nifty, and Alastor had only been here for a week. And he had only known them for 4 days. 

Husk: who didn't want anything to do with him. Or anyone for that matter

Nifty: who thought he was a female and made no interest in even caring about who he was or getting to know the fact that he wasn't female. She didn't care



Oh how he missed Alastor. He admired Him. The spider found himself thinking about all the snarky, rude, and sexual comments he made to Al. How he wished he could take them back. He regretted them so much. He wanted a friendship, a bond with Alastor more than anyone in the hotel. He wanted to show Alastor that he was more than a Slut who wanted to suck him off, he wanted to show Alastor that he wanted a friendship.

He wanted to show that he cared.

Of course, The male was sure now that this was never going to happen. In just 4 days he had already put a camera lens of who he was. A fog. 

He could never take back those remarks.


Angel found him unaware to what was happening around him. He just kept walking. Through all the turf wars, and screaming. Through all the name calling and murder. He found himself walking in the direction of the hotel. Without even realized it. When he finally got done mentally beating himself up. He found himself in front of the doors of the hotel. He jumped back from the doors, unsure if he wanted to open them. He had a mental debate for approximately 3 minutes before opening the doors. Life was fine in the hotel, without him. Husk was at the bar, drinking. Charlie was sitting down reading a book, and Nifty was cleaning. Alastor and Vaggie were probably in their rooms. He glanced up and began walking, deciding to say anything. He wanted to see if anyone would look up and notice him.

No one did. Just as he thought. Charlie kept reading, assuming that the footsteps were from Alastor. Nifty was to preoccupied cleaning to care, and Husker was sitting at the bar, probably hallucinating at this point. Or was drunk enough to tell himself he was. 

Angel walked through the hotel lobby and up the stairs. Hot tears streaming down his face. Once he was out of view of the lobby, he sprinted. He didn't want to see anyone. 

——-Down in the lobby 

Charlie was reading a book. She heard footsteps, and by the clanking off boots she presumed it was Alastor. She didn't believe Angel would come back, so she didn't bother to think it was him. She also didn't want to bother Alastor.

When she heard more boots she decided to look up. The boots were coming from the stairs, so unless Alastor had walking into the hotel, up the stairs, and then down again it wasn't him. Lo and behold, she looked up the find Alastor. A puzzled look immediately fell on the demon princesses face. When Alastor finally started to speak, she connected the dots.

"Why hello there Darling, how are you on this afternoon? I have decided to take a break from my works and to partake in some cooking. Would you like anything?" Alastor spoke with an especially cheery tone. Charlie stood up and ran towards the stairs, ignoring Alastor question by saying, "OH MY GOD ANGELS BACK." 

Alastor watched her run away, a look of amusement on his face. The amusement was to cover a deeper feeling inside him. A feeling of relaxation. A feeling of relief. 

A feeling of closure.


Wow! 3 chapters one day. On a busy day for me too, woohoo! 

I actually really enjoyed writing this chapter. What do you think of 3rd person?


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