A Night Before Wedding -2

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Just then before gang could continue arguing by bullying each other...the informant on door informed them that their guests have been arrived... Samar's sister as they were supposed to arrive day before wedding... everyone smiles as they decided to walk out of Lavanya's room to welcome the guests..Nayanlooked at Samar who had a strange smile...she raised her eyebrows in gesture of asking him about what he is upto..he bent down his face near her ears to whisper...

"Get ready Pari...Amayra di was really upset last time on phone..she is sick of our surprise excuse ."

Nayan smiles...as imagined Amayra's reaction on hearing their engagement,wedding firstly after six months...then now at once before two months...she missed all being here and being the last one is the last thing a sister can expect...Nayanhowever hadn't get any call from Amayra since they had decided to get marry earlier n Samar hadn't let Nayanto speak to her..

"She will be fine Samar she can't be upset from me.."

Nayan replied back to Samar..they were standing on the door where everyone had already left..

"Umm..she might be more upset..with u ..Pari.."

"What?? what do you mean by this Samar..? what did u do??"

Samar bit his tongue..

"I told her that you had fallen sick because of missing me..so that's why we had rush for wedding.."

"And she Believed you?????"

Nayan was shocked, surprised,angry n upset...she couldn't believe Samar put blame on her instead it was him who couldn't live without her a day...and she wasn't sure that Amayra could get in his trick..

"Of course not Bhabhi.. I know bhai he is crazy for u since i two saw you romancing in college corridors at midnight.."

Samar and Nayan exchanged glances..however they both knew they spent most of them time together whether it is day or night..but seeing each other talking from eyes they figured out which midnight she was talking about.. and Nayan glared Samar again purposely showing that it was too his mistake as he was messing up with her with his bhoot crap.. Nayan ignoring Samar..smiles at Amayra who was grinning seeing her brother n bhabhi...Nayann Amayra greeted each other with hug...and smile...Samar was waiting for his hug but Amayra didn't.. which made Samar sad n he looked at Nayanto make Amayra hug him...Nayanwanted to tease but she let it go..as gestured Amayra to aside everything... Nayan smiles as saw both sister n brother who couldn't live without fighting..she was rejoiced seeing both of them sharing laugh...that remind her of her brother..she looked around to see her brother smiling at her..She walked towards him n hugged him.she couldn't think of being away from her brother..and she was happy that she didn't have to...as being close they are all family..n they all can't let each other go..

Just then Samar n Nayan's attention gets diverted as heard a baby crying..they both gets shocked looked at each other n then at Amayra who suppressed her smile as she knew this time she had a bigger surprise..

SaNya couldn't believe as they saw a month old baby boy in Kartik's arms...

"Why did you not tell me Amayra di??"

Samar asks her in upset sad voice... Amayra felt bit guilty of not telling..

"Just like you can give me those all surprises"

Nayan walked upto Amayra..

"But Amayra di this is big...you had a baby n you didn't tell us.."

Nayan was equally upset like Samar..

"I could have miss your wedding bhai n bhabhi jaan if you would have make up your mind to marry a month before just like you made to marry nw.."

"But Amayra di we told you..."

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