Their Little World

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Before she can ponder over her thoughts Shubh aka Ayaan started squirming in her lap, moving his eyes here and there as if looking for someone or something.

"You want something Shubh?"

Shubh focuses his small eyes on door as if waiting for someone.

Realization dawned on Suhana, she said, "You wanna see Papa, You are missing him...Aww mera baccha"

She cradled her close to herself and said, "Papa went to freshen up and bring us necessary things Shubh.You know he was here from three days with us...He was so tired and still wanted to be here with us... He needed rest na baccha so after lot of persuasions he went home...He will come soon prince."

"You know prince when we first time came to know about your existence your papa was so elated. He was like, "I have to do this, I have to do that. We need to buy this, we need to change this and what not," and he didn't let me to do anything always asking me to take rest, not to work. He even painted the walls of your room with blue colour and filled it with toys .

When I was worrying about whether I am ready for this responsibility or not? Will I be a good mother or not? And as always your papa took my every worry away with his love. He made me understand that it's natural to feel this way but we will work it out together. He will be by my sides in every phase, showering his love.

He made his words true. He stood by our side in every situation. Making it easier for me. He fulfilled my every demand every craving without any complaint, without caring about anything.

He is so sweet and caring. Best husband any girl could ever get and Best father any child could ever get. He proved it with his love.

Didn't he Shubh?.

She asked her baby holding her tiny finger in her own.

Baby moved his head little as if agreeing his mother.

"Mumma's boy", Suhana said smiling broadly at Shubh's gesture.

Cradling her close to her chest she started, "You know when we went for sonography, we both were so nervous, thrilled and excited.I held your papa's hand throughout the whole process so tight that I left my nail marks on his palm."

She laughed a little remembering that scene.

"When we saw you on screen we were not able to figure out anything and Doctor then explained us your position. What we experienced can't be described in words when for first time doctor made us listen to your heartbeat. That was for the first time I saw your papa emotional. His eyes were mist. I know I was carrying you inside me so it was easier for me to connect with you emotionally but at that moment I felt you connected to him too when he placed his palm on my belly to feel you."

Then rollercoaster ride began, your papa never let me do anything. He did most of the work from home. Even slightest frown or pain of mine would leave him to worry. He used to do everything that we'll calm me.
Every night he used to talk to you, sharing from A to Z of everything. Even in his sleep he made sure we are fine.

He tolerated all my mood swings with smile. He used to massage my swollen feet with oil in night when I used to be asleep because I didn't let him do it when I used to be awake.
You Know I would have never known it if once my sleep would have not been disturbed by your kick. I was about to stop him but then love in his eyes stopped me. He was so engrossed in task in his hand to notice anything, carefully doing everything to not wake me up. You know I fell for him again."

He used to say that I'm his first baby and pampered me like one...Not actually... Suhana blush a little while remembering all times when he treated her like baby, his grown up baby.

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