Chapter 17

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Cameron gets up out of the bath drying himself off, then moves to him and his luna's room where she is currently asleep, he walks over to wake her up, he can't help but smile at her sleeping, time to wake up my Luna, violet wakes up looking all droopy eyed moving to the bathroom slowly so she does not fall as she has gotten much bigger knowing her appointment is today she smiles hopefully good news, Cameron takes his Luna into the pack doctor's office okay doctor tell me what is going on with the Luna, well she is going to give birth in 2 days sorry alpha if she gets any bigger she won't be able to walk, that is fine don't tell us the gender yet, ok as you wish but in 2 days you will know, ok that's fine, take me home alpha I am nearly done with the part of my plan the pact's safe from the council, I am glad, that is one problem solved, what about the rest of things, well we should keep the parents with there children out harms way I will need to fight, no you cant, well the babies will be born before then, yes but you need to rest, they cannot get past my barriers so i doubt this will be a hard war to win,better get ready for this long coming war, yes make sure there are enough member's to protect the whole Castel, yes sir there are 500 wolfs and 500 human's children and mothers are all inside the day care inside the castle so no harm will come to them,alpha i have added some ballista's too the Castel ,honey i have added electrical traps outside so all of you be careful if you walk into one you will instantly die,what as a shout is heard,ah opps looks like someone has already triggered one well either that or they just missed it,if they are lucky,yes that was me violet luna,ah be more careful Andy, sorry I was making sure there were no more spies' from the councilmen be more more alert your my beta stay inside the castle,yes alpha i will stay inside the castle with you and the Luna so do not worry,althought its sad we could not help harp, that i can help with the Luna says as she looks up at andy,really how,well I need 5 days Cameron the doctor said tomorrow my babies will be born i am going to need you to look after them for the 5 days, yes Luna i can do that, because me and Cameron will be at the doctor office. "violet was nervous just like her wolf what will they look like will everything goes as planned will they have a good life, they will be fine love, my stomach is so unconfutable being a mum is going to be so hard,that is very true that is why I am here and Andy we will help you with the babies growing them and feeding them,thank you all i appreciate it,if never thought i would have a normal life like this,well you will have the best life ever i will make sure all your days are full of sunshine and happyness,thank you Cameron. Happy to help.

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