Came to Talk

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I played with my fingers and looked around the cafe as Jasmine stared at me. We have been here for about 5.....10 minutes and she hasn't said anything, its nerve racking.

"is there something on my Face jasmine?" I asked finally.

"yeah, 7 years of change" she said. I groaned.

"okay! I get that I have been gone for 7 years, that obvious, can you stop saying that now"

"no, I can't" she shook her head.

I sighed. "what did you want to talk about Jasmine, I really don't have all day"

"your asking what I want to talk about!? are you fucking serious! you left for 7 fucking years and I know that if I didn't come here it probably would have been another 7 years before you came back!"

"Dont, fucking yell at me jasmine! I didn't want it to be like this! I didn't ask for this shit okay!" i semi yelled back.

"um, excuse me Loren, um you guys have to keep it down" Cherry said briefly as she walked past our table.

I bit down on my lip and looked at jasmine, I knew she was angry with Me. Who wouldn't be.

jasmine sighed. "why did you leave. why didnt you tell Me that you were leaving Loren?"

"i wasn't happy Jasmine, I needed to start over my life was a fucking wreck, I wasn't happy so I left"

"you weren't happy? okay I know a lot was going on at the time, but you had people to talk to, all yu had to do was wait till the storm blew over Loren"

"Jasmine your not understanding where I'm coming from. I was not happy! not in Florida! all my nightmares resided there. My mom is a fucking lying cheating inconsiderate bitch, my sister is my half sister and your sister, my demon came back. everyones skeletons where out the closet and I couldn't take it "

"so your admitting that's you ran away from your problems" jasmine folded her arms.

"no! I ran to my happiness, I wasn't running away from anything" I argued.

"I just don't get it"

"Jasmine yu don't need to get it, I just wasn't fucking happy! isn't that what you want! for me to be happy?" I slightly raised my voice.

"yes , Happy with me!"

me and jasmine yelled at eachother. catching a few peoples attentions.

I sighed and sat back in my chair.

"its not all about you anymore jasmine. shit has changed, your not even an only fucking child anymore, the earth don't revolve around you. your just one tiny ass person in a world full of people" I said

"I would of came with you" she ignored all that I said.

"I didn't want that! you're still thinking about your self. I needed a break, i was tired of living miserably, I know there is people out there with lives worst than mine but shit, that's them I did something to change my life and now I'm happy" I folded my arms. I was starting to regret coming here to see her.

I don't need to explain my self. I'm a grown ass woman now.

"fine so now your happy, you have a man and a daughter and best selling book. which seems fucking familiar!" jasmine said.

I frowned my eyebrows.

"a man? a daughter?" I laughed. "where are you getting your information from?"

"you don't have a daughter?" she asked, she looked really confused.

"no, i don't. and I damn sure ain't got no man, all niggas are full of shit" I said.

"B-but, I saw you, with a little girl with.... and a man y'all hug and." Jasmine shock her head and chuckled.

"I don't know what your talking about Jasmine" I said Cluessly.

"n-never mind" she said.

"and about the book...." I trialed.

"yeah, you wrote a book about our relationship, but didn't take the time out to call and tell me you was doing it" she said.

I frowned my eyebrows this bitch got some nerve. "ian have to call and tell you shit Jasmine. that was my life and you just so happen to be in it. "

"but it was about us! me and you. or 'Jess and Mya' how Ever you see it. I deserved a right to know. at the least "

"the least?" I chuckled. "jasmine I think you have it set in your mind that i owe you something. i don't owe you shit! "

"You don't owe me anything!? you fucking left me. the morning after we made love. you fucking broke my heart Loren , I was depressed for god knows how long! be cause of you. And you wanna say that you don't owe Me anything!? you owe me a new heart! and you can't buy that shit back with the amount of money your making off of OUR relationship!!" jasmine snapped.

"Maybe I should write a fucking sequel about how you hurt me, and left me! how you made me fucking crazy! huh, how many copies do you think I will sell! Mrs. Author!" she added.

"you seem mad, why is it so bad that I wrote a book, why do YOU have a big ass problem with that?"

"because maybe if you forgot. that was my fucking life too! not just yours. Asia's, Brielles, Gianna's, that's all there lives, i bet they would react the same way I am!"

"actually they loved the book and aren't being haters like you. Jasmine I came here with the sense that I was going to talk to you, I didn't come to hear you yell and scream about a fucking book" I said.

"t-they knew?" was all she said.


"Brielle, Asia, Gianna , they all knew about the book? they knew you where here?" she asked.

"its been 4 years since I wrote the book, I sent them all copies before it was even reviewed" I said.

"four fucking ye- they knew where you where for four fu- " Jasmine looked like she wanted to rip her hair out

"why didn't I get one of these copies?"

"because you didn't find me". I said getting up.

"i-i didn't, what are you talking about Loren. I'm Here I found you" she said her voice lowering. I shock my head.

"4 years to late Jasmine. brielle and Asia knew where I was, they found me, forced me to talk to them and I did. even Loura did. I started to think you had forgotten about me until I saw you yesterday. and now your here and yelling at me about a book? fuck off Jasmine!" I growled at her before walking out the cafe, i lost myself in the New York crowd and walked home.

It's always been about Jasmine, with out her i wouldn't have had a book to write. but now I have my own life. and its gonna be all about me, I don't need nor want Jasmine anymore, at least not the angry her.

~Hope you liked it!!!

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