Entry 2 - Moments like this

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Entry 2


Dear Diary

~ Break my legs
Break my arms
Ankles, fingers, hands, idc
But don't ever tell me that you love me
Don't ever show sentiment
Don't ever elude to anything more than and acquaintance
Bring me fear
Bring me hatred
Hurt, pain, destruction
But don't you ever bring me happiness ..
Because the moment anything good is brought to u your heart is reformed
Re crafted in glass
And tho beautiful for a season proves deadly as soon as the right person comes around with polish
And u begin to need the daily cleaning sessions and as soon as they have every inch of that glass heart they destroy it..
And u become like every classic tale of a girl on drugs
Taking pills and subs .. Hourly visits to the bathroom to disappear from your sins only to wake in the place it all began. A hospital bed surrounded with people screaming... But this time they're not screaming for some young version of your mother to push. Their screaming for u. To wake out of that coma that was caused by that initial word
That one word of happiness that caused a recreation of that heart.
Break my legs
Break my arms
Ankles, fingers, hands, idc
But don't ever tell me that you love me
Don't ever show sentiment
Don't ever elude to anything more than and acquaintance
Bring me fear
Bring me hatred
Hurt, pain, destruction
But don't you ever bring me happiness ..
Because the moment anything good is brought to u your heart is reformed
Re crafted in glass
And tho beautiful for a season proves deadly as soon as the right person comes around they polish your glass
And u begin to need the daily cleaning sessions and as soon as they have every inch of that glass heart they destroy it.....

(Poem written by Gabby GabrielleTalks - follow her ASAP and check out her poem book in MY works )


I laid down on the grass , in Jasmines back yard and looked up at the stars. I don't know why I am still here. At Jasmines house or even in Florida. Jasmine gets married in 3 days. July 30th.

I don't wanna sit there in the front row and be a witness. Or even worst, hold a bouquet as I walk down the aisle as a brides maid, I would puke all over her beautiful  white wedding dress. That arrived earlier.
I rolled my eyes to myself. Maybe I should go home and give up, write a whole new book. Maybe silent diaries wasn't meant to have a sequal, just like how me and Jasmine probably aren't ment to be.

The sky began to blur as my eyes filled up with tears.



I sat in the edge of the bed, as I watched Chloe pack her over night bag.

"Baby?" I spoke.


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