Is it Wrong to be In Love?

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"Yes baby I loved them!" Chloe squealed into the phone.

I smiled "Good, I'm always thinking about you Baby, and its been really hard being away from you"

"You don't even know tha Half Jas. I have been taking up new jobs, just to keep my self busy, I'm doing a calander now" she sighed.

"Babe, your supposed to be relaxing, not working yourself to death"

"I did relax Jasmine. The first 3 days you was gone. Its been like 2 weeks every time I'm not working I'm thinking about you"

I opened the bathroom door, and peeked out into the living room, Loren was still sleep on the floor. I stepped back into the bathroom and closed the door.

"Baby, I'll be home before you know it. And when I do get back , you'll have me all to yourself " I assured.

"Its not like I want you here locked up with me Jas. Its the fact that your states away, for this long ass period of time. I miss you"

The phone grew quiet , I didn't know what to say, I wasn't gonna jump on a plane today and go home so I couldn't tell her that. I damn sure wasn't gonna allow her to come here.

I bit down on my bottom lip. "But guess what Baby"

"What?" She sighed.

"We are getting married!" I semi yelled.

She giggled on the other end. Every time I mentioned, marriage to Chloe she was get excited, it was the easiest way to get her mind off the bad thing.

"Oh Em Gee, I know Jasmine, and I can't wait till you get back so we can actually start planning the wedding, its going to be perfect" she fan girled.

I smiled. "It is, its going to be the best day of our lives"

Chloe didn't reply,her end got quiet, it was a good quiet though, only cause I knew she was looking at the 14 carrot gold ring I bought her. It had 3 diamonds on it. It wasn't huge, that's only because I planned on giving her another on our wedding day.

I was planning to go all out for Chloe and It's wedding. Anything she wanted I was more than willing to give it to her, just to make it perfect.
I love Chloe, I really do, my actions right now, might not show it but I love her. She's been here for me through everything.

About 6 months after Loren left, I had started messing around again. I was 18 going on 19 in college girls was every where. I wasn't committed to any of them, only because something told me Loren was gonna come back. 2 years flew past and I had just cut the Nike deal.

Chloe was Modeling for them too, she didn't have a long term contract though, 6 weeks she spent there, During those six weeks I kinda tried my hardest to get in her pants. She wasn't having it. She made me take her on 3 dates before she let me in her damn apartment. By then I had already really liked her. I was kinda skeptical though. And I think she was too.

It took us a whole year of just chilling before things became serious. Remind you I hadn't did anything with Chloe during that year, she was who I went to when I needed to talk, chill out or just have fun. We had became really close. Close where if I seen her with someone else I'd lose my god damn mind.

I wouldn't say Chloe was my rebound, I had 2 and a Half years worth of rebounds. Chloe wasn't easy to get, just like how Loren wasn't easy to get. I was scared to death of losing Chloe just like how I lost Loren, so I kept my ass very committed to chloe, and 3 years later I proposed to her.

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