Chapter 13: Tess

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     "Tess! Are you peeling those apples or arranging them for display!" Snapped Elle.

     Tess jumped and looked down at the apple and knife that were still in her hand.

"Sorry Elle!" She said, and she began peeling again.

     Five weeks. It had been five more whole weeks since she'd gotten sick. While she'd been feeling better the next morning, it had taken almost another week for her to gain her full strength back. It had then taken another full moons turn for Grand Maester Samwell to find and administer a herbal remedy that had finally wiped out the fever in the city. She almost couldn't believe it had been two moons since the fever had started. She couldn't wait to open her doors again. But tonight wasn't for everyone, tonight was just for her friends. She had decided she wanted to have one special feast with just those closest to her, celebrating the fact that they were all safe and healthy. It seemed like an eternity since she'd seen their faces.

"Alright give me that." Said Elle taking the apple and knife from Tess's hands, "You're obviously not present enough to help." Tess shot her an apologetic smile.

"I'm just really excited to finally see everyone again." She said with a shrug.

"Everyone. Of course. And I'm sure everyone has been counting the days until he can see you too." Elle said with a knowing grin.

     Tess felt her face get hot and she looked away before her expressions betrayed her. The circumstances surrounding Tess's sickness had warmed Elle to Sandor considerably. Tess knew she'd been impressed with the way he'd come to her side the minute he'd found out she was sick, and as Elle put it, the walls of the inn weren't that thick. She'd heard quite a bit of the conversation she and Sandor had that night. She'd never bring it up of course, Elle was one to respect the privacy of others. But it was obvious it had changed her opinion of him. She still had her reservations, but Tess could see that she had decided he was, for the most part, a good man.

     Just thinking about Sandor sent the worms wriggling through Tess's stomach. It was true she was counting the seconds until she saw him again, but there was a nagging voice in the back of her head that she couldn't silence no matter how hard she tried. That night had been amazing, transformative, life changing. Tess felt like she didn't have the words to describe how it had felt. When she thought about him now, he was already her Sandor. She was in complete awe of him and the amazing person that he was, and she almost couldn't believe that he was hers. But is he? The nasty little voice in the back of her head whispered. In those moments before dawn there had been no question in her mind. As he held her in his arms, there was nothing in the world she could have ever wanted the way she wanted him, and she knew he'd felt the same way. But it had been five weeks. Five weeks of time for the doubts to start creeping in. That night had been perfect, but what if he'd changed his mind? What if in the cold light of day, once he knew she wasn't going to die, he realized he'd just been caught up in the intensity of it all? He wasn't good at these things, he'd said as much, what if he decided it just wasn't something he was capable of?

"Tess are you alright? You have a funny look on your face." Said Elle.

"I'm fine!" She answered quickly, "and I told you I wanted to help you prepare this meal. So give me a job. I promise to not be distracted this time."

     Elle put her to work. She sliced bread, cleaned potatoes and onions. She even added spices to the wine for the special blend Elle wanted. As long as she kept herself busy she didn't have time to dwell or worry. As the sun was setting and Elle was slipping the last of the lemon cakes out of the oven Little Sam appeared at the kitchen door. He was bouncing on the balls of his feet looking excited but he didn't cross the threshold into the kitchen. He was always good at following the rules.

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