Chapter 16:Tess

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Tess snapped her book closed and glared at the cover. After reading the same sentence six times, it was time to admit it just couldn't hold her focus. She's borrowed a Tyrion's copy of Fire and Blood, because it was the history she'd been most anxious to read, and she wanted to save it for a time when she'd be less busy and could really focus on it. What a joke, she doubted a real dragon landing on the roof of the inn would have been enough to hold her attention that night. What a fucking day it had been.

Tyrion gave a loud long snore from the bed in the back left corner of the room. He had been the first of the group to go to sleep. They'd reached the inn by sunset just as promised but it had been packed already. Tyrion had tried to get Tess her own room when they stopped, but it wasn't always possible. At least in this case the room the inn keeper had available was large and had enough beds for everyone. It was a big open space that probably was once just an attic. Someone had added a wall creating a small narrow hallway off the stairs. The room had four beds, three smaller ones around the edges and a large one centered under a round window. It also had a few chairs centered around a fireplace, which was where Tess was sitting currently. All three men had tried to get her to take the largest bed, but she refused. She fit perfectly fine in the smaller bed next to the fire and it made no sense to take the biggest bed, and leave Sandor, the biggest member of their group cramped and uncomfortable.

Thinking about Sandor made a warmth start to spread throughout her whole body. In truth, she hadn't stopped thinking about him since the moment she sat down. Not even dragons and dragon riders could keep her from replaying the kiss over and over in her mind. She knew it was the passion of that moment, and everything he'd been through that day that brought it on. That if he'd had a slightly clearer head he might have been more cautious, but gods she didn't care. She closed her eyes reliving it. His hands holding her face gently but firmly, the softness of his lips that she hadn't been expecting, the delicious way his mouth moved against hers. It was over far too quickly, and when he let her go she'd been aching for more, but she held back. It wasn't as if she was going to make love to him on a hillside while his family home burned behind them, even for Tess, that seemed a bit dramatic.

She jumped as the door to the room opened. Bronn stumbled in clearly drunk. She pulled her robe tighter around her dressing gown. She wasn't sure why but she always felt slightly immodest in his presence now, especially at night. Maybe it was because of the way he still undressed her with his eyes at times. It had never bothered her before, plenty of men, and some women did it to her all the time. But now it felt as if they were intruding. That her body wasn't meant for them.

"Clegane not back yet?" Said Bronn, looking around the room.

"No, I thought he was still down at the bar with you." Said Tess.

They had all stayed at the bar for a few hours talking through the next days plans and asking Tyrion about Casterly Rock. Sandor had been quiet, he wasn't the most talkative on regular occasions but he seemed even more stoic than usual. It was to be expected, Tess thought, with everything he'd been through, but he didn't seem upset. If anything he was peaceful, more peaceful than she'd ever seen him. When he caught her eye, it was always with the knowing smile she loved. So where was he now?

"He went out for a walk. Left awhile ago. I figured he made his way back here." Bronn said.

"He's missing? Out there?" Said Tess, anxiety twisting in her stomach.

"Oh calm down he's not missing, he's out. A person has to be gone more than an hour before you start having a fit." Bronn pulled off his boots and fell face first onto his bed fully clothed.

Tess sat there for a minute clutching her book to her chest trying to decide what to do. Should she go out and look for him? No, she was being stupid. Like Bronn said he'd been gone less than an hour, he probably just wanted to go for a walk and clear his head. If she went out there looking for him she'd most likely just make things worse for everyone and get herself in trouble. She sighed and stood up. She placed the book on the table next to her, slipped out of her robe and climbed in to bed. She stared at the dying fire and let her thoughts begin to wander back to the events of the day, and the kiss.

From the Ashes  (ASOIAF) (Sandor Clegane x OC)Where stories live. Discover now