Chapter 32: Tyrion

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"Magister Embati would like to point out that the recent incursions into the city are not a reassurance to the merchant captains that Kings Landing is a safe and profitable place for them to continue trade." Tess explained.

     They were seated in the small council chamber around the table. A large Pentoshi lord with a purple pointed beard was standing before them. It had been Tyrion's idea to ask Tess to serve as the translator when foreign dignitaries had business with the crown, and he had to admit it turned out to be a brilliant one. The men of Essos especially loved her charm and charisma and he knew she could be completely counted upon for transparency in what was being said. There had already been times that she'd let him know behind the scenes of things that were being murmured under the assumption they wouldn't get back to him or the king.

"Please tell the magister that the unfortunate incident with the Sand Snakes of Dorne is in no way relevant to the security of our port. That our City Watch has all but eliminated the thievery and smuggling in the harbor, and our ports are the safest they have been in the last twenty years. If he is hesitant to believe my statements I invite him to have a tour of the docks, speak with Commander Clegane, and have a look at the records of the merchant ships currently in port.

     Tess began speaking very quickly, relaying Tyrion's words to the magister. He seemed please and nodded, saying something back to her. She seemed to agree and when she responded his face brightened in a smile and he nodded enthusiastically to her as her responded.

"He said he is very eager to see the workings of the harbor and speak with the Lord Commander as soon as possible." She said to Tyrion, "I informed him that the Lord Commander is my husband, and I will be able to make the introductions as soon as this afternoon. He is pleased with the arrangement."

"Wonderful!"Tyrion responded, "is there anything else honored Magister Embati wishes to bring before the kings small council?"  Tess translated the question.

"No." She answered, "Magister Embati thanks you for your hospitality and accommodation. He says he will continue discussions of trade with you once he has observed the ports for himself."

     Tyrion nodded to the man, who returned his gesture with a sweeping bow and walked from the room. Tyrion pushed out one of the empty chairs that would have usually been taken by Davos and motioned for Tess to come and sit.

"You should consider a career as a translator." He told her, "you have a gift for it."

"Not really looking for a new career currently." Tess responded, "but I do enjoy being helpful in a more significant way than pouring wine and ale in the cups of more important people than myself."

"Importance is a matter of perspective." Bronn pointed out, "considering the caliber of drink in your establishment compared to the rest of the city. Your ability to pour drinks makes you of very high importance in my life Lady Clegane."

     Tess smiled. It seemed impossible for her not to smile when her new marriage was brought up in any way, Tyrion thought. It was refreshing. So often marriages were somber affairs when it came to nobles. The best one could usually hope for was an arranged marriage with the hope that love might eventually bloom. Marrying for love was a rare and special thing.

"So how are your plans coming along for the Lady's wedding feast?" Bronn asked Tyrion, "I always liked wedding feasts myself. The foods good, the wine is excellent and all the ladies are besotted by love and it makes them very agreeable."

"You are just a hopeless romantic aren't you?" Said Brienne sarcastically, but Bronn grinned.

"It's going quite well actually. We've invited all the nobles from the surrounding region. Bronn isn't the only one who likes a good wedding feast, and a wedding feast hosted my a Lannister is a draw for many to be sure. I was wondering Tess about the question of inviting....your family." Tess looked at him in surprise.

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