Chapter 24: Tyrion

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Tyrion was confused, there was really no other way to state it. As he shuffled down the corridor he acknowledged there were many other feelings and emotions running around in his brain. He was tired, it was the dead of night after all. He was slightly drunk to be sure. He couldn't deny that there was an air of curiosity but his prevailing thought was that he was confused. He looked down at the small scrap of parchment that a servant girl had knocked on his door and handed him a few minutes earlier. Your lady wife requests and audience if you are so inclined. He knew what the words meant, but he had no idea what could have prompted Sansa to write them especially at this late hour. He turned the corner and walked up to the door where Sansa was staying. Cersei's old rooms. He had a passing thought of what had happened when he'd given Tess Cersei's former room at the Rock and smirked. He very much doubted that was the intent of this visit. He knocked lightly and a moment later Sansa opened the door.

The first thing Tyrion noticed, to his surprise was that Sansa was wearing not the dress she'd had on that evening but a pale blue velvet dressing gown. Her hair was in the loose braid that she usually wore to bed. He'd seen her dress this way many times of course, while they had never been intimate in their marriage they had shared chambers and slept next to one another. She looked different now though, while obviously still young and heartbreakingly beautiful, she'd lost the timid innocence that she used to have when she was undressed in his presence.

"Tyrion. Thank you for coming." She said in an slightly formal way. She closed the door behind him and walked across the room. "Would you like some wine?" She asked.

"Wine would be lovely," he said, feeling nervous but having no idea why. She was obviously working up to something but he couldn't for the life of him figure out what it was.

He followed her to the round table in the middle of the room and took a seat in one of the chairs. She sat opposite him and poured them both cups of wine.

"This is good." He said awkwardly searching for something to stimulate whatever conversation they were meant to be having.

"Yes, your sister kept most of the good wine for herself. Not that that's a surprise to anyone." Said Sansa, taking another sip. Tyrion chuckled appreciatively at the comment.

They sat there drinking their wine as the awkward silence stretched on seemingly endlessly. With each passing minute Sansa seemed to get more and more nervous and restless. Tyrion was about to broach the subject, and ask her why she'd asked him here when she drew a deep breath and started talking.

"Seven hells....I have no idea how to even begin this...." She said nervously.

"Well...." Said Tyrion, "I can't pretend I have any idea what this is about. But all I can say is. We've been through quite a lot you and I. You've never judged me, and I hope you know I will never judge you. So whatever it to just get it over with. I'm willing to bet it won't be as bad as you think."

Sansa took another long drink of wine, and then leaned on the table and looked up at him.

"I had a long talk with Tess today. About a great many things actually, but she suggested something. And I'm not sure if I want to try it. I'm not sure if it's stupid, or impulsive, or possibly the smartest decision I've ever made for myself. But she suggested it, and I felt like I owed it to myself to at least entertain the thought."

"Alright, so what is this idea?" Asked Tyrion, feeling more confused than ever.

"I've never told you the details of what happened, with Ramsey." She said.

"I got the gist." Said Tyrion, "I don't need every detail to understand what a fucking monster he was."

"Yes, he was....and that...situation. It's given me very unhealthy and unhappy emotions towards......" Sansa trailed off.

From the Ashes  (ASOIAF) (Sandor Clegane x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن