Chapter 28: Tess

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     Tess walked down the dock to the stand where she usually bought her fish. The fisherman greeted her brightly.

"What's the hall today?" She asked.

"Fish were light but I've got some quality crabs if you're looking to make a stew." He said.

     Tess nodded and he went to start sorting through the bushels for her. She looked around the dock, it seemed like this place hadn't changed one bit in the last year since she came to King's Landing. The same stalls, the same faces behind them, life went on for them as it had for many years. There was a kind of simple beauty in that. She supposed it seemed surreal to her because the last year of her life had changed her so significantly. She remembered standing in this exact same spot with him, it was only the second time she'd ever met him and he'd already fascinated her so much. She supposed that should have been her first clue as to what was coming. Her hand went reflexively to the charm around her neck. She clutched it so often she'd created small indent marks in her palm that never fully went away. Fitting, she thought, because the mark Sandor had left on her life and her heart was permanent as well. She shook her head and turned to pick up the basket of crabs the fisherman had brought over to her. She had to stop thinking like that. Over the past few days there had been a worry nagging at the back of her mind. She had no basis for it, everything seemed to be going fine. Sand's letter had all been very positive about the work they were doing, but it was still there, growing ever stronger. The thought that something was wrong, and that with each passing day he was somehow slipping further away from her. She wanted to wrap her arms around him and feel the warmth of his skin so badly it was a physical ache in her chest. More than once over the past few days she'd almost told Elle she was in charge at the inn, chartered a small boat and set sail for Dorne. It was only the logical side of her brain that stopped her. She knew she was being silly, that three weeks was not even that long of a time to be away from someone, but it felt like an eternity to her. Tess was so deep in thought that she walked straight into someone standing in the entrance to the market. It was Bronn.

"Heads up there Lady Merryweather!" He said lightly.

"I'm sorry." She replied, "I wasn't watching where I was going. My mind was wandering."

"Your mind is the same place it's been for the past week and a half." Bronn responded lifting the basket of crabs from where she'd dropped it, "in Dorne."

     He started walking back down the street towards the inn. She thought briefly about protesting and trying to take the basket back from him but she knew it was pointless so she simply let him carry it and fell in step beside him.

"I'm not that lovesick and pathetic am I?" Tess asked.

"You looking for an honest answer to that?" Bronn said, shooting her a smirk. She glared back, and he laughed.

"I'm teasing." He said, "You're not pathetic Tess. I can't imagine you ever being pathetic....and as far as lovesick....that's not what I'd call it." They walked through the gate of her inn and into the courtyard.

" What would you call it then?" She asked. Elle was in the courtyard, she walked over to them and took the basket.

"Perfect!" She said, "I wanted to make stew tonight." She bustled back inside.

"If you have the time you can stay for a drink." Tess said, "I got some new Arbor gold in, I know it's your favorite."

"Oh I might be persuaded." He said.

    They walked into the common room and Bronn sat down in one of the chairs by the fire. Tess poured two glasses of wine and brought them over handing one to him.

From the Ashes  (ASOIAF) (Sandor Clegane x OC)Where stories live. Discover now