Chapter 44: Sandor

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     Sandor rode through the woods keeping to the back of the party. He didn't know why Tess was so insistent that he come on the damn hunt. He wasn't a hunter, why should he spend his entire day out here in the woods freezing his balls off with a bunch of cunts he really didn't even like that much, when he could be sitting warm by a fire in the castle with her? But he'd come, because she'd wanted him to. He'd given up any pretext of being a hard man who made his own decisions long ago, he was her man through and through and he would do almost anything to make her happy.

"Have you ever seen such a beautiful day Clegane?" Tormund rode up beside him grinning brightly.

"It's bright, and cold." Sandor answered, "I'm not about to write a bloody sonnet about it." Tormund laughed.

"You've been in an exceptionally good mood lately," Sandor observed, "you've always been annoyingly optimistic but it's taken a turn into unbearable."

"What can I say Clegane." The wildling answered, "my heart is soaring."

"Soaring eh? Wonder what caused that." He urged his horse forward to meet up with the group.

"A gentleman never speaks of his lady outside the bedroom." Tormund said lightly as he brought his mount up to ride beside him. Sandor turned and gave him a quizzical look.

"You're serious?" He said, "are you telling me you actually finally managed to fuck Brienne?"

"No." Said Tormund, "I'm not telling you I fucked her." He said with a grin.

     There was a noise in the trees behind them and Sandor heard one of the wildlings call, "rider!". A man on horseback came crashing through the trees at a gallop and pulled even with the front of the group.

"I'm looking for the Hound." The man said, "where's Clegane?"

"Back here!" He called, "What do you need?"

     The men in the front pulled their horses to the side of the path letting the rider through. He rode until he was even with Sandor.

"I was sent by the Queen." He said, "your lady wife's waters have broken, she's in labor."

      Sandor felt like his heart had dropped into the soles of his boots. It was too early, Tess still had another month until Sam estimated she was due. He swung Sojourner around and dug his heels in, sending the horse flying at a gallop back down the path. He vaguely heard the sound of other horses behind him, and realized at least some of the hunting party must have joined him, but he didn't look back to see who. His only focus was on getting to Tess.

     The gates were open when he got to the castle, he flew through them and all but leapt off his horse before he even stopped moving. He tossed the reigns to a stable hand and ran for the door. Tyrion was there waiting.

"She's alright." He said immediately, "Sam's with her and he's checked her over. He said he's not sure why the baby has decided to come this early but so far nothing seems amiss."  Sandor nodded in appreciation and ran past him down the hall. When he heard footsteps beside him he finally looked back and saw that he was flanked on either side by Tormund, Jon, and Davos. They got to the hallway and Brienne and Sansa were standing outside the door.

"Oh thank the gods." Sansa said when she saw him, she looked nervous but not as if something were wrong, "she's been asking for you."

"Is she alright?" He asked, looking at both their faces.

"She's doing well." Said Brienne and she and Sansa exchange an amused look.

     Sandor was about to ask what was so funny when the door opened slightly and Sam emerged. From inside the room Sandor heard his wife shouting a stream of expletives so colorful and imaginative he had to give her points for creativity. He grinned.

From the Ashes  (ASOIAF) (Sandor Clegane x OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt