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14 Years Later

Tyrion was sitting in his tent trying to finish a letter but the commotion outside was very distracting. It had been years since there had been a royal hunt. The current king had no interest in hunts, or celebrations of any kind, but he did have an interest in making sure his heir was exposed to all the normal traditions of court life. So here they were on the first Royal hunt of the decade to celebrate the twelfth name day of Jamie Lannister, second of his name heir to the iron throne. As if summoned by the thought, his son walked through the tent flap. 

"Father they're organizing a melee for the squires and younger knights can I join?" He asked brightly. 

Even at two and twelve Jamie was tall and strong. All four of the children Tyrion had with Sansa ended up being of normal stature, a fact that he thanked the gods for everyday. Their oldest son Eddard had the Tully look, or so everyone said, he had auburn hair like his mother and a strong handsome face. Sansa often remarked he looked like the second coming of her brother Robb. Their second son Jamie was in every way the spitting image of his namesake, golden Lannister hair, and warm handsome smile, and a easiness about his nature. 

"I don't see why not." Tyrion answered his son, "who's competing?"

"Me, Jon Tarly, Arry, I think Jason Highgarden said he wanted to, oh and of course..."

"Wren." Tyrion finished. Wren Clegane flat out refused to be told that she couldn't do anything the boys were allowed to do. "Alright well have fun, and fight well, the honor of your house is at stake!" Jamie gave him a laugh and ducked out of the tent. 

It was crazy to him sometimes to think it had been almost two decades since the events that made him Hand of the King. He saw it of course every time he looked in the mirror and saw the grey streaking his blond hair and the lines that had deepened on his face, but there were other times it felt like it had just been yesterday. He heard the tent flap open again. This time it was Sandor. The collection of lines had grown on his face as well and his dark hair now had streaks of silver and was thinning somewhat. 

"Do we have any sort of time table for when the actual fucking hunt part of this Royal hunt is going to take place?" he asked. 

'I believe the plan is tomorrow." Tyrion said. "Apparently the squires organized a melee for this afternoon."

"Oh I heard about that." Sandor said dryly, "God help those boys if they try to tell Wren she can't participate."

Again as if summoned by the sound of her name Wren Clegane came flying into the tent. She was a tall lean girl with long dark hair that fell past her waist, which she refused to wear any way but wild and loose. Much to the dismay of her mother. She was wearing leather britches and a breast plate and carrying a short sword in one hand and a half helm in the other.

"Papa, Jason Highgarden said the melee is no place for a woman can I please have your permission to kick him so hard in the balls that he's disqualified for being one as well?" She said. 

Jason Highgarden was the oldest son of Ser Bronn of the Reach. In true Bronn fashion when it had come time to give his children a family name for the seat of his house he'd just picked the easiest thing he could think of. 

"Since when does anyone tell you what is appropriate or not for you to do?" Sandor asked, "if you want to fight get in there and kick their asses." 

"Thank you Papa!" Wrens said and she gave him a kiss on the cheek before running out. 

"That daughter of yours is going to end up a knight if she's not careful." Tyrion said, he picked up a wine pitcher from his table and filled two cups, offering one to a Sandor who sat in the chair on the opposite side of his table and accepted it. 

"Don't think the thought hasn't crossed her mind." He said with amusement as he sipped the wine, "she'll be eight and ten next month and Tess's is already dreading what she's going to do with herself. You're lucky in that area you know.....your girls are so sweet. I love my daughter completely but gods sometimes I wish she was a little less like me."

"There are days I wish Myrcella and Catlyn were more like Wren." Tyrion pointed out, "they are sweet girls to be sure, but a I know I'd worry about them less if they could stand up for themselves the way your daughter does." 

Both men chuckled appreciatively. 

"It's crazy to think sometimes isn't it?" Sandor said, "about the kind of life we all made from the ashes of what happened?"

"It is...." Tyrion agreed, "but if you think about it there's really one main factor that brought it all together. One thing that was the catalyst for it all. Your wife."

"She really was wasn't she?" Sandor said. 

"In my opinion everything changed for all of us the first time I walked into that inn." Tyrion said.

"I should have known you'd fine a way to take credit." Sandor said with a chuckle.

"Well it's true!" Tyrion retorted, "From the ashes...I like that. I think I'll suggest it to Sam as a title. He's working on chronicling the events of the first two decades of the reign of Bran the Broken."

"Not the most thrilling story to tell." Sandor commented.

"Oh I don't know, I think some fairly amazing things took place...." Said Tyrion. 

There was a burst of noise from outside the tent as they heard their children run by shouting and teasing each other. Sandor smiled 

"You may be right about that...." He said 

From the Ashes  (ASOIAF) (Sandor Clegane x OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant