Chapter 42: Brienne

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Brienne kept her arm looped through Tess's as she guided her towards the great hall. The smaller woman was so excited she was nearly skipping.

"You're ridiculous you know that?" She said, "he might not even be there."

"Oh he'll be there." Tess said, "from everything you've told me he's one of Jon's right hand men. You know he's not missing a chance to come to Winterfell. You sure you're not just trying to convince yourself he may not be there because your nervous?" She teased.

"I have no reason to be nervous either way." Brienne said stiffly, but she couldn't deny the butterflies persisting in her stomach.

They had gotten to the doors of the great hall which were thrown wide open. The hall was full of people sitting at long tables and she spotted him sitting with a group of wildings in the far corner. His eyes found her a second later and a huge grin broke over his face. He stood throwing his arms wide in a friendly gesture. His fiery red hair and beard were exactly as she remembered.

"If it isn't my old friend the Lady Knight," he called happily motioning for her to come over, she obliged with Tess moving eagerly at her side.

"They told me you were coming but I didn't dare believe it." Tormund said jovially as Tess and Brienne took open seats across the table from him, "I hear you are one of the King's protectors now. It suits you."

"Thank you." Said Brienne smiling, she had to admit he did have a friendly way about him that was hard to deny when she wasn't in mortal fear for her life.

"And who's this little beauty you have with you?" Tormund asked, smiling at Tess.

"Of course I apologize, Tormund Giantsbane I would like to you to meet.."

"Tessalynda." Tess finished for her, "but you can call me Tess." Brienne shot her a curious glance as they say down.

"Pleased to meet you Tess. What brings a southern lady such as yourself up to the North?" Tormund asked.

"The invitation of the Northern Queen of course, and I wanted to meet the infamous Tormund Giantsbane I've heard so much about." She smiled, and Tormund gave her an event bigger smile back. He looked at Brienne with excitement in his eyes.

"You been telling stories about me lady Brienne?" He teased, "I might blush."

"The stories did not come from me I assure you." She said back lightly, "they came from her husband."

"You're husband told you about me eh? Which one of these southern twats is he?" Tormund said, scanning the room.

"He's not here as of yet." Said Tess, "and yes he told me all about that mad wilding fucker he met at the great battle."

Tormund's eyebrows raised.

"I didn't think Southern ladies talked like that." He said.

"I've never really been accused of being a lady. I've always been more of a fighter." Tess said, "you wildlings let women fight in your armies don't you?"

"We do." He confirmed, "you interested in joining up?"

"Ugh, sometimes I wish..." she said, "currently this would be a bit of hindrance though." She motioned to her belly. "But once I get this thing out of me I'll be itching for a good scrap."

"Seems our lady Brienne isn't the only fearsome creature to come from the south." He observed, "are you a knight like her as well?"

"No, I'm not. I fear Ser Brienne may be the only one of her kind. She is exceptionally unique." Tess said.

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