Chapter 37: Tess

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     Tess wasn't sure she could remember the last time she felt so perfectly blissful. The sights and smells of the night market were like a warm blanket of home wrapping around her. The trip from Kings Landing to Pentos had been nothing short of heaven. Long lazy days in their cabin spending hours of uninterrupted time together, with no daily responsibilities to pull them away. Tess looked down at her bare mid drift. She was wearing the red dress that Sandor had bought for her in Dorne. It was amazing to be back here in Pentos and dressed as a true lady of Essos as well. She smiled remembering the look on her husbands face when he'd seen her come out in the dress, her hair down in flowing waves as was the style here. She pressed her hands lightly against her flat stomach. There was every possibility that would not be the case for long. It was crazy for her to even think about the idea that in that very moment, she could already have Sandor's child growing inside her. Yet she'd stopped drinking the moon tea almost two days ago now, so it was a more than likely possibility.

     Tess walked to a weapons cart at the corner of one of the many squares in the city. The weapons here were small and delicate. Unlike in Westeros, women warriors were a common practice in Essos and there were many weapon smiths who made their designs specifically catering to them. The sellers behind the cart were two women she would have put close in age to her. One with dark ebony skin and sharp eyes, and the other slender and tall with olive skin and long ink black hair with streaks of gold that she wore in two braids. Tess was examining a corset made of leather and steel with special pockets on the sides fitted with small knives.

"Are you a fighter my lady?" The olive skinned woman asked in Pentoshi.

"Not if it can be helped, but I have learned enough skill to protect myself from any who may do me harm." Tess answered, and both women smiled.

"It is a great thing, to be one's own protector." Said the dark skinned woman.

"I am Jezi and this in Rouge." The olive skinned woman said, "we are pleased to meet a lady of Westeros who is familiar with our ways."

"I lived in Pentos for many years," Tess explained, "I'm happy to be back, and to share this beautiful land of Essos with my husband."

     Jezi and Rouge looked past her to a stand on the other side of the street where Sandor was holding up a Dothraki curved blade that was almost longer than her arm and conversing with the man selling it.

"This is your husband?" Rouge asked, and Tess nodded proudly.

     Things we're so different here in Essos. Unlike in Westeros, the woman of Essos judged their men based on their strength and ability to take care of and protect themselves and their family. Not on names or titles. In the same way scars were not seen as ugly or off putting, a man's scars were a symbol of his fierceness and fortitude. Tess had seen many an eye linger on her tall, strong, battle worn husband as they walked through the night market, though he was as of yet totally unaware. Not that she could blame them, she thought as she looked across the street at him. He'd traded his thick doublet coat for a grey cotton tunic top, which he'd rolled up to his elbows highlighting the thick muscles of his forearms. His dark hair was soft and wavy, and he had a feel of relaxed confidence about him.

"He's the biggest Westerosi man I've ever seen." Jezi said, "I didn't think your gods created men that big." Tess laughed.

"Not many I assure you." She answered the woman.

"He seems a strong warrior as well." Rouge observed, "you are blessed in this match my lady."

"Oh you will never hear me deny it." Tess said smiling. She continued looking over the weapons for a few more minutes and ended up purchasing a new set of throwing knives before walking back over to where Sandor was standing.

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