Chapter 17: Tyrion

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Tyrion couldn't remember the last time he'd been this angry. When the guard had come into the inn to give him the news it was all he could do to not cause a scene right there. This was all he needed, a complication on an already complicated trip. Fucking Clegane, he never thought about anyone but himself. When he'd told Tyrion he had business to attend to he'd been fine to let him keep his secrets but he'd never dreamed it would come to this. And Tess? That was the part that was even harder for him to understand, that Tess would go a long with it. That she would help him in this idiotic plan. Tyrion shoved himself away from the table and stormed up the staircase. They were going to explain themselves. Clegane was standing in the doorway of the room they had stayed in with his back to Tyrion.

"CLEGANE!" He shouted, "Might there be something you forgot to mention about what the fuck the two of you were doing yesterday?"

     Clegane turned sharply and glared down at him. He was not the type of man who was accustomed to being shouted at and he matched Tyrion's level of hostility instantly.

"What the fuck are you talking about dwarf?" He snapped.

"I just got a message. That Clegane Keep is has been burning since yesterday. It seems someone drenched the entire place and the road leading to it in oil and set it a blaze. You and Tess wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?"

"What I know, is that it's my fucking castle, and my fucking business what I do with it." Clegane growled.

"Of course that's your answer!" Snapped Tyrion, "Because you're the fucking Hound. You do whatever you want, whenever you want and you don't give shit how it effects anyone around you. You decided to go have a bit of destructive fun. Let's burn down the family home. You can't be bothered to stop and think that now within twenty four hours of a Lannister being back in the Westerlands, there's trouble. Just another fucking Clegane causing mayhem and another fucking Lannister letting him do it. Same shit different brother, and I was an idiot for thinking you would do better."

      For a minute Tyrion truly thought Clegane was going to hit him. He briefly wondered how far he would fly down the steps if he did. But Sandor simply glared down at him and said, "Fuck you Lannister." Before shoving past him and stomping down the stairs. Tyrion looked back into the room and saw Tess standing just inside the door. If he'd thought the look on Clegane's face had been bad it was nothing compared to the bone chillingly cold stare on her face.

'Tess...I." He began, but she held up a hand to silence him, and shoved past him down the stairs.

"Tess!" He turned and followed her. She was halfway across the room by the time he reached the bottom, "Look I'll conceded that may have been a little harsher then necessary." He said.

      She whipped around at his words and dropped her bag. Her expression was so furious he half expected her to start breathing fire.

"A little harsher than necessary?" She said, her voice low a deadly.

     The room had emptied except for the inn keeper who was behind the bar. He looked from Tyrion to Tess and made a hasty retreat into his kitchen. A moment later Bronn walked through the door.

"What the hell is going on in here? I heard yelling." He said.

"And there's about to be more." Said Tess in the same frighteningly calm voice. "Get out Bronn, Tyrion and I need to have a conversation."

      Bronn shot him a look that clearly said, I don't know what the hell you did, but may the gods have mercy on you, and walked back out the same way he came in.

"Tess...." Tyrion tried again but she cut him off.

"No." She said, "You got your chance to talk now you are going to shut the hell up and listen understood?"

From the Ashes  (ASOIAF) (Sandor Clegane x OC)Where stories live. Discover now