Chapter 38: Brienne

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     Brienne fought the urge to put her head down on her arms. She was so tired. It felt as if the days had gotten twice as long as of late. The inn had it's usual bustling business and to her credit Elle had been working hard to make herself more friendly and hospitable as the proprietor in Tess's absence. Brienne wouldn't be surprised if there were some customers who might even be slightly disappointed to see Tess return. Brienne wouldn't be one of them though, she loved Elle but she wasn't Tess. She had never been very good at being friends with other women, she found that she either had nothing in common with them, or they saw her as a threat. She supposed that's why her relationship with Tess was so precious to her, she'd never dreamed of being so close to another woman that she thought of her as sister, but that was exactly how she viewed Tess. Brienne wasn't ashamed to admit she missed her terribly. She and Sandor had left for Essos one moon earlier. She knew they would be arriving home within the next week and she had been counting the days. She been somewhat surprised to realize not only missed her best friend, but she missed her husband as well. She wasn't exactly sure what to call the bond that had formed between them during their time in Dorne and the subsequent awful boat ride back to Kings Landing, but she knew that they shared a sort of camaraderie now that she was feeling the absence of. It wasn't as enjoyable to walk the streets overseeing the goings on of the city without him by her side giving his salty commentary. Gendry and Podrick came out of the inn carrying a pitcher of wine and three mugs. Davos, who had been sitting a table away talking with some merchants moved to the table where she was sitting to join them. 

"Wine M'lady?" Podrick asked, and she nodded.

"Have you heard from Tyrion?" Davos asked her. 

"He wrote yesterday. Said he should be back by tomorrow." She answered. 

     Tyrion had gone on an unexpected trip for a weeks time. It was the second one he'd taken within the last two moons. The reasons for his mysterious traveling had been a topic of conversation among the group. Brienne had a few ideas what or who might be pulling him away from the capital but she was waiting to give an opinion until she had more proof.

"And Sandor and Tess?" Gendry asked.

"Should be back by next weeks end." She answered.

"I still cannot imagine the Hound in Essos." Gendry said chuckling. 

"You've never been there so I'd imagine it would be hard to imagine it at all." Davos pointed out.

"Well fair enough, but I've heard the stories." Said Gendry. "So....who thinks Tess is coming back with a baby in her?"

"Gendry...." Chided Brienne.

"Oh come on...." He said rolling his eyes, "they were almost impossible to be in a room with here in Kings Landing. You really think they aren't going to be ten times worse off in exotic lands alone together?"

"He's got a point." Davos pointed out.

"Not you too..."Brienne said to him, "Maybe I'm old fashioned but I think it's in poor taste to discuss what happens in the privacy of a man and woman's bed chamber."

"I'd be inclined to agree with you," Davos said, "if the couple in question kept things private, but that doesn't seem of greatest concern to them."

     He had her there, Brienne thought. From the time they had made their relationship known she couldn't remember a time that the two hadn't been touching in some way when they were close to each other, and neither was shy about showing passionate displays of affection for the other. It was no surprise to her as far as Tess was concerned, she had always been one to live her life very open and authentically, she was not one to hold back in any aspect. On the other hand, it had initially surprised her with Sandor. She'd always seen him as more reserved and his ease with showing his feelings and affection to Tess had been unexpected, but with time she came to see that his desire for her simply outweighed his hesitation. 

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