A Wild Lancer Appears

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"So, you did know." It was more of a statement than a question, as Danny relaxed his posture.

Lancer smiled sadly, "Mr. Fenton, "


Lancer started slightly, as he looked at the young man in front of him. He had known who was visiting the graves of the Fenton's before he had even stepped into the cemetery. It was the middle of summer so when the temperature of the area was unusually cold, it seemed unnatural. Another reason is that there were only a handful of people who still visited the family's resting place.

"Yes, I knew that Phantom and Fenton were the same person. The grades you had before your accident was straight A's, after you were barely passing. You were always tired through out the day, Phantom and Fenton were never seen in one place, and last but certainly not least you two looked the exact same except for the hair and eye color. I still don't see how you kept it a secret for so long."

Danny's smirk grew wider and wider as Lancer's eyebrows raised higher and higher while he listed all the ways he had figured out Danny's biggest secret.

Danny shoved his hands into his pockets and leaned his upper body forward, bending at the waist slightly. Grin still stretched across his face, "I knew that was why you were my favorite teacher, but that doesn't answer the question, how did you know it was me standing here and not someone else? I don't know how long I have been gone, but I do know that I most certainly don't look the same."

With a sad smile still on his face, Lancer shifted slightly and looked around at the ice that had not yet melted in the summer sun. "You have been missing for six years, and the reason I new it was you, was because hardly anyone comes to visit your family's resting place anymore. It was either you or the old mayor."

Danny's grin vanished, his face carefully blank, "Vlad Masters is still in Amity Park? I thought he would have left town as soon as he realized that both my mother and I were gone. Since that was the only reason, he came to Amity to be mayor in the first place."

Lancer shook his head, "he is no longer the mayor; he went back to Wisconsin not long after the funeral. He used to visit every day, but now he only comes twice a month. Whenever I see him visit, he looks more and more lost. Haunted maybe."

Danny's lips twitched up slightly, "was that a ghost pun."


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