Shockingly Painful

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It took Kid Flash less than a millisecond to find the serial number that was hidden on the inside of the collar. That one millisecond was all it took for the collar to register that an outside source was tampering with it..............the collar then electrocuted the man who was wearing it. The man's muffled screams filled the room as the collar he was wearing continuously shocked him over and over again. 

Surprised by the sudden screaming and the fear of being shocked by the collar, both Kid Flash and Superboy jerked away from the man now thrashing against his bindings in pain. Superboy quickly stood up and walked over to stand with Aqualad, Artimas, and Miss Martian who had moved closer in case anything was to go wrong. Kid Flash on the hand hadn't moved an inch, he couldn't move, he was frozen in fear as he watched in horror at the scene front of him. Robin quickly, but gently reached over and placed his hand on Kid's shoulder, "Kid, I need the number or I won't be able to hack it!"

Kid whirled his head around so fast, the others thought he might have given himself whiplash, and looked at Robin. Looking but not really seeing. Robin frowned and placed his other hand on Kid Flash's remaining shoulder, he was about to shake the life out of him when silence rang through the room. Both Robin and Kid turned to look at the man who had stopped screaming and struggling his body now slumped against the chains. Miss Martian gasped covering her mouth with her hands, she glided towards the unconscious man wanting to help him. "Don't," Superboy said gently, grabbing her arm and tugging her away. She turns around angrily, about to say something, but pauses when Superboy shakes his head and points towards the immobile man. 

Everyone's eyes widened slightly as they turned and watched the electricity that was still being generated from the collar, start to burn the man's clothes and skin. "DP04032004" Kid Flash said quietly, scooting back further away from the man. 

Robin immediately got to work hacking the collar as the rest of the young heros waited and watch. Miss Martian clenched her firsts, "This is my fault, I should have said something. I should have been quicker." Landing on the floor, she walking away from the others head down and her hands still clenched at her sides. 

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