7. smitten's a bad look on me

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Title: smitten's a bad look on me

Author: arrowsandbows

Status: Completed

Relationship: Katelena

Summary: Kate and Yelena partner up. Kate and Yelena start hooking up. (Kate's trying to be cool about it.)

Chapters: 8

Words: 34,553


Kate Bishop

Yelena Belova



Clint Barton

Minor Relationship(s): N/A


Kate Bishop & Clint Barton

Kate Bishop & Greer & Franny

Warning(s): Smut and brief drug use

My Rating: 10/10

Fav Quote(s):

"What else should I see on my next trip?" (starting screaming over this part)

'Getting her hair braided by Yelena feels a lot like being fucked by Yelena - tender and skillful yet somehow, despite that, distant.'

"And Natasha would have loved you."

"My Kate."

My Comments/Thoughts: I honestly don't know why I haven't recommended this one yet, it's so good and it was written awhile ago. (This will be awkward if I actually did and completely forgot about it)

The banter, the way these two partner up (i love the hawkeye/black widow duo so so much), the romance, the angst.

This author also just writes these twos' dialogue exactly how i imagine they would

Jealous Yelena>>>

Kate Bishop needs a hug !!!! (so does Yelena)

the last chapter is my favorite, beautiful way to tie it all up.

Website: AO3

Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35746840/chapters/90759298?view_adult=true

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