166. Hostess with the Mostess

166 8 4

Title: Hostess with the Mostess

Author: Axinite25

Status: Completed

Relationship: Katelena

Summary: When Natasha returns from the dead they have to go somewhere safe.
Yelena isn't sure why the first place she thinks of is Kate Bishop's apartment.

Chapters: 5

Words: 26,347


Kate Bishop

Yelena Belova

Natasha Romanov

Maria Hill

Clint Barton

Laura Barton

Barton Kids

Minor Relationship(s):

Natasha Romanov/Maria Hill

Clint Barton/Laura Barton


Kate Bishop & Bartons

Yelena Belova & Natasha Romanov

Warning(s): N/A

My Rating: 20/10

Fav Quote(s):

"How long until I can comment on the fact the safest place you could think of is a really hot girl's house? And she wakes up to notes when you've... what, left the bed without a kiss goodbye?"

"Don't worry, one day you'll be so used to it you won't even mind."

"I also take out the trash sometimes and you have so many receipts from here."

"I hate to ask because I shouldn't have to, but are you dating her?"

"I am too mad for you to be cute right now."

"Until you."

My Comments/Thoughts:

As I'm writing this review, this is my second time reading it. I'm always a sucker for fics that explore Nat coming back from the dead + finding Yelena (who so happens to have found herself a hawkeye as well)

Author does a great job capturing their voices ESPECIALLY Kate's. Something about Kate in this one makes me want to go back and read this over and over again. Also, she's shirtless half of the time. Yelena doesn't mind of course.

Kate, you oblivious flirt! Making Yelena flustered without even realizing it. Natasha being exasperated with her sister amuses me so much.

This story is includes gifs/pictures from kate's texting. It's so fun. One of the best factors of this story.


We get a bit of protective Yelena, jealous Yelena, oblivious Kate, badass Kate, teasing but supportive sister Nat I mean- how could you not love this fic?

Left me satisfied from beginning to end. Definitely an indulging story you'll find yourself going back to from time to time.

Website: AO3

Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52781902/chapters/133499569

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