56. Hawk in Headlights

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Title: Hawk in Headlights

Author: Saltybaltic

Status: Completed

Relationship: Katelena

Summary: Yelena arrives at Kate's apartment at just the right time to catch up for a long overdue drink. After spending the night together, Yelena's help is required to keep Kate safe from harm. Some feelings might develop in the process

Chapters: 17

Words: 67,776


Kate Bishop

Yelena Belova

Clint Barton

Laura Barton

Minor Relationship(s):

Clint Barton/Laura Barton


Kate Bishop & Clint Barton

Warning(s): Frequent Smut

My Rating: 10/10

Fav Quote(s):

"Nor do I need alcohol to take you to bed again if that is what you were wondering."

"You were good."

"You might be terrifying but you're still a huge dork."

"You are annoying. But for some reason I still care about you." (sums up these two pretty well)

"Yelena. I'd go anywhere with you."

My Comments/Thoughts: oh they're bantering and having a little fun? such gfs already.

Kate wearing the black widow suit tho..

This story might have the best Katelena angsty argument scene

brain ache 🤒

one of the best plots out there that knows how to balance smut plus having an actual storyline

brilliant. i'm definitely going to reread this a bit more and add more favorite quotes.

Website: AO3

Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37175020/chapters/92745559

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