151. From Russia with Begrudging Acceptance

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Title: From Russia with Begrudging Acceptance

Author: Loislame84

Status: Completed

Relationship: Katelena

Summary: Post Hawkeye.

Kate needs a friend. Yelena needs a friend.

The two have to decide what comes next for them.

Friends turn into more after Yelena deals with her past trauma.

Two idiots in love really.

Chapters: 28

Words: 151,529


Kate Bishop

Yelena Belova

Clint Barton

Alexei Shostakov

Melina Vostokoff


Laura Barton

Peter Parker



Cassie Lang

Jen Walters

Maria Lang


Minor Relationship(s):

Clint Barton/Laura Barton

Alexei Shostakov /Melina Vostokoff


Kate Bishop & Clint Barton

Kate Bishop & Peter Parker

Kate Bishop & Cassie Lang

Yelena Belova & Sonya

Yelena Belova & Jen Walters

Yelena Belova & Cassie Lang

Yelena Belova & Alexei Shostakov

Kate Bishop & Alexei Shostakov

Yelena Belova & Melina Vostokoff

Warning(s): Eventual Smut, Implied Sexual Abuse, Manipulation

My Rating: 1000/10

Fav Quote(s):

"That's the most straight forward rejection I've ever received,"

"Your dog takes forever to poop."

"I mean gayer than I normally present."

"You have very pretty eyes, Kate Bishop."

"I see nobody but you."

"You can claim me. I have no interest in anybody else."

"I've got it. Nugget. You are a small nugget sized human. It's perfect. My little nugget."

"I think jealous Kate Bishop is really very sexy."

"you wouldn't dare. That has to be breaking some sort of girlfriend code."

"You have a candy pocket?"

"I knew that bitch was trouble the moment I met her."

"It's like you Americans always say... potato tomato."

"I didn't expect Ed Sheeran's little sister to have a bladder of steel."

"that's not a lot of inches."

"Kate Bishop is not others. She is my life. Now,"

"You are going to be my sugar mommy?"

"thank you, mama."

My Comments/Thoughts: It's a long one folks! Get ready to be fed WELL 🍿

Starts off with the typical 'You owe me a drink' break in filled with great dialogue.

Yelena not wanting to get close to Kate but can't help but want to protect her and her with her>>

Texting buddies?!?! (more than buddies actually)

WORKING OUT BUDDIES?! (ogling much you two?)


I really do adore when authors write Yelena and Sonya's friendship. These two are so special to me. Their bond is so special to me.

THEIR FIRST 'NON-DATE' got me screaming crying sobbing kicking my feet

In trouble? Call Yelena because OVERPROTECTIVE GF

ALEXEI !!! His entrance to this story is actually so iconic. 


chapter 13 <33

chapter 14 <333

The way the writer inserts Jennifer Walters and the way she breaks the fourth wall to talk to the readers is fucking brilliant and HILARIOUS

alexei and kate's relationship do be adorable

yelena and jen's is even more adorable

the reference from 'a good person' !!! and the haircut for it!

The entrance of the bugs!!! Something about the the way this author introduces new characters in this is so fun and I'm a fan

I had an epiphany while reading this. I realized this story doesn't develop and contain much of a relationship between Kate and Clint. It's mentioned but Clint is not much in it compared to unlikely characters that have been inserted into this story. Do I mind it? Not at all. I love Clint, but it was so nice to get to read the relationships that did develop in this one. Especially Yelena and Jen.

This story has fulfilled so many self-indulgent relationships and headcanons, I have been fed and I can't thank this author enough for an incredible story.

Author said there may be a second part to this AND I AM HERE FOR IT! I shall be here patiently waiting ahhh I'm so excited!!!

Last and final words: engagement vest.

This week has been chaotically busy so it was an absolute reward to be able to sit back and relax after a long day to read this one :) 

Website: AO3

Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41810709/chapters/104901573

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